The Mercury News

Ex-mayor shaped state’s politics

Bloomberg spent big on issues, candidates

- By Casey Tolan ctolan@bayareanew­

Long before Michael Bloomberg set his sights on California’s presidenti­al primary, the former New York City mayor used his massive fortune to shape the state’s politics, investing huge sums on campaigns ranging from sugary soda taxes to under-the-radar school board races.

Bloomberg has spent at least $38.9 million on California campaigns, most in the past eight years, according to state and local campaign finance records compiled by the Bay Area News Group.

He’s bankrolled efforts to raise cigarette and soda taxes, groups advocating for charter schools, and politician­s from both parties, including Govs. Gavin New

som, a Democrat, and Arnold Schwarzene­gger, a Republican.

That spending record is helping Bloomberg build connection­s with key activists and strategist­s in the state as he makes his longshot presidenti­al bid in the March 3 primary.

“It’s going to open all sorts of doors for him in California and around the country that simply wouldn’t be available to most candidates,” said Dan Schnur, a political strategist who got a donation from Bloomberg during his own run for secretary of state in 2014. “Political donations aren’t going to buy anyone’s endorsemen­t, but it certainly creates a relationsh­ip that can be beneficial.”

Still, some of Bloomberg’s past spending — especially his record of giving more than $7 million to California groups associated with the charter school movement — could be controvers­ial among the Democratic voters he needs to convert.

Bloomberg’s presidenti­al campaign is taking the unorthodox strategy of skipping early states like Iowa and New Hampshire completely, investing in a massive campaign operation in California and other Super Tuesday states, and buying millions of dollars in TV ads here.

It won’t be his first experience with wildly expensive campaigns in the state. His biggest spending in California over the years came on the fight to levy taxes to combat the adverse health effects of sugary drinks. Bloomberg spent a total of $19 million on two successful 2016 ballot measure campaigns in Oakland and San Francisco that raised taxes one penny per ounce on sugar-sweetened beverages, as well as $647,000 on a similar 2014 measure in Berkeley, according to data from the secretary of state’s office.

It’s a pet issue for Bloomberg, who unsuccessf­ully tried to ban the sale of large sodas in New York before his plan was thrown out by a court.

In a similar vein, Bloomberg spent a total of about $10 million on state and local propositio­ns to increase cigarette taxes, ban flavored tobacco products and preserve a San Francisco ban on e-cigarette sales, with a mixed record of success. As mayor, he banned smoking in New York’s bars, restaurant­s, parks and beaches.

The former mayor didn’t just give money to the California public health propositio­ns — his New York team of political strategist­s helped plot strategy and was on the phone with the campaign team “almost daily,” said Larry Tramutola, an Oakland political consultant who led the Bay Area soda tax and flavored cigarette propositio­n fights.

Bloomberg’s brain trust went as far as to independen­tly fact-check every detail in the campaign’s ads — a rare level of involvemen­t by big political donors.

“They aren’t into writing a check and walking away,” Tramutola said.

The Oakland and San Francisco propositio­n campaigns likely would have lost without Bloomberg’s financial support, he said.

“The soda industry and the tobacco industry seemingly have unlimited dollars, and the amount of money the opposition was throwing in was so overwhelmi­ng,” Tramutola said. Bloomberg “helped balance the battle. Even though we were on the right side of the issue, we would not have been competitiv­e without him.”

Another big chunk of Bloomberg’s money went to the charter school movement. He gave more than $2 million to the California Charter Schools Associatio­n Advocates, which supports political candidates who back charter schools, and $3.5 million to a PAC set up by the organizati­on to support former L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigo­sa’s 2018 bid for governor.

Bloomberg also gave $528,000 to the 2014 and 2018 campaigns of Marshall Tuck, a former charter school executive who ran unsuccessf­ully for state superinten­dent of public education, and to a group supporting Tuck.

That spending dovetailed with Bloomberg’s agenda in New York, where he championed charter schools, allowing privately run charters to use public school buildings.

“His name brought a lot of credibilit­y to what we’re doing to help families,” said Gregory Mcginity, the executive director of CCSA Advocates. “It’s very much an extension of the work he began in New York City.”

Bloomberg even got involved in individual school board races in Oakland, Los Angeles and San Mateo County, mostly bankrollin­g candidates who were considered supporters of charter schools.

Not all of Bloomberg’s political beneficiar­ies are fans of the former New York City mayor. Roseann Torres was baffled when a $700 check from one of the richest men in the world showed up in her mailbox during her first campaign for Oakland school board in 2012. She had never run for office before and felt like the donations from Bloomberg and other wealthy charter school supporters around the country were an attempt to sway her to their ideology.

“I was like, why do billionair­es in Manhattan care about schools in Oakland?” she remembered. “I was asking my husband, ‘What do I do with this check? Is this real?’ ”

After she was elected, Torres said, she had a “falling out” with pro-charter groups over her opposition to expanding charters in the city. Four years later, she found herself on the other side of Bloomberg’s money: GO Public Schools, an Oakland-based nonprofit that supports charters, spent $43,000 in an unsuccessf­ul campaign to unseat her, bankrolled in part by a $300,000 donation from the former mayor.

“Now, I regret cashing that check,” Torres said.

In addition to schools and public health, Bloomberg supported various California candidates and propositio­ns. He sent Schwarzene­gger $44,600 during his 2006 reelection bid and later threw in $250,000 for his independen­t redistrict­ing commission ballot measure.

He also pitched in for then-san Francisco Mayor Newsom’s bid for lieutenant governor in 2010 and gave $13,600 to his 2018 governor’s campaign (after earlier spending millions on the group supporting Newsom’s more moderate rival Villaraigo­sa). Newsom and other down-ballot candidates got more financial support from Everytown for Gun Safety, a gun-control group Bloomberg started and provided most of the funding for.

Bloomberg’s influence in California political circles goes beyond his campaign donations. His nonprofit, Bloomberg Philanthro­pies, has showered cities around the state with grants and sent some mayors to a training program at Harvard University. The beneficiar­ies include San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo and Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs, who were the first major California elected officials to endorse him.

While some of his political history in the state could be controvers­ial among Democrats, Bloomberg’s fans say that it’s unlikely to turn off anyone who might vote for him.

“Anybody who’s not going to vote for Bloomberg because of some of his past donations,” Schnur said, “probably wasn’t going to support him on the issues to begin with.”

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ARCHIVES ?? Former N.Y. Mayor Michael Bloomberg has spent millions promoting soda and cigarette taxes and charter schools.
ASSOCIATED PRESS ARCHIVES Former N.Y. Mayor Michael Bloomberg has spent millions promoting soda and cigarette taxes and charter schools.
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