The Mercury News


At 16, Helen Obando is a pioneer in the fight to cure painful sickle cell disease

- By Gina Kolata

BOSTON >> Helen Obando, a shy slip of a girl, lay curled in a hospital bed in June waiting for a bag of stem cells from her bone marrow, modified by gene therapy, to start dripping into her chest.

The hope was that the treatment would cure her of sickle cell disease, an inherited blood disorder that can cause excruciati­ng pain, organ damage and early death.

Sedated with Benadryl to prevent an allergic reaction to the garlicky-smelling preservati­ve in the drip, Helen, who at 16 was the youngest person ever to undergo the therapy, was sound asleep for the big moment.

“Wake up,” her younger brother, Ryan Obando, said, shaking her leg so she could push the button to start the drip. But she could not be roused, so he pushed it himself.

Helen’s family and the medical team watched in awe as the pale pink solution of cells flowed in through her left subclavian vein.

It was a critical moment in medical science.

For more than half a century, scientists have known the cause of sickle cell disease: A single mutation in a gene turns red blood cells into rigid crescent or sickle shapes instead of soft discs. These misshapen cells get stuck in veins and arteries, blocking the flow of blood that carries life-giving oxygen to the body and causing the disease’s horrifying hallmark: episodes of agony that begin in babyhood.

Millions of people globally, a vast majority of them Africans, suffer from sickle cell disease. Researcher­s have worked for decades on improving treatment and finding a cure, but experts said the effort has been hindered by chronic underfundi­ng, in part because most of the estimated 100,000 people in the United States who have the disease are African American, often poor or of modest means.

The disease also affects people with southern European, Middle Eastern or Asian background­s, or those who are Latino, like Helen.

This is the story of two quests for a sickle cell cure — one by the Obando family and one by a determined scientist at Boston Children’s Hospital, Dr. Stuart Orkin, 73, who has labored against the disease since he was a medical resident in the 1970s.

Like many others affected by sickle cell, the Obando family faced a double whammy: not one but two children with the disease, Helen and her older sister, Haylee Obando. They lived with one hope for a cure, a dangerous and sometimes fatal bone marrow transplant usually reserved for those with a healthy sibling as a match. But then they heard about a potential breakthrou­gh: a complex procedure to flip a genetic switch so the body produces healthy blood.

Scientists have been experiment­ing with gene therapy for two decades, with mixed success. And it will be years before they know if this new procedure is effective in the long term. But if it is, sickle cell disease could be the first common genetic disorder to be cured by manipulati­ng human DNA.

“It’s an exhilarati­ng success story for those of us who have waited and hoped for this day,” said Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health.

Four weeks after the infusion of stem cells, Helen was strong enough to be discharged. Her bald head wrapped in a pink scarf and held high, she walked out with a mask over her nose and mouth to protect her from germs. She turned the corner in the hallway and was greeted by 30 doctors and nurses blowing bubbles as “Girl on Fire” by Alicia Keys played.

At home, in Lawrence, Massachuse­tts, on a sofa with her mother by her side, she put a hand over her eyes and started to sob. Ryan enveloped her in a hug.

She and her family wondered: Would it work? Was her suffering really over?

A family’s nightmare

Sheila Cintron, 35, and Byron Obando, 40, met when she was in the eighth grade and he was a high school senior. They fell in love. Haylee, their first child, was born in 2001, when Cintron was 17.

When a newborn screening test showed that Haylee had the disease, her father asked, “What’s sickle cell?” They soon found out. As the family gathered for her first birthday party, Haylee started screaming inconsolab­ly. They rushed her to the hospital. It was the first of many pain crises. Doctors warned the parents that if they had another baby, the odds were 1 in 4 that the child would have sickle cell, too. But they decided to take the chance.

“I was young, naive,” Cintron said.

Less than two years later, Helen was born. As bad as Haylee’s disease was, Helen’s was much worse. When she was 9 months old, a severe blockage of blood flow in her pelvis destroyed bone. She screamed with pain, no longer able to sit up.

At age 2, her spleen, which helps fight bacterial infections, became dangerousl­y enlarged because of blocked blood flow. That can cause severe anemia, so doctors surgically removed the organ.

After Helen was born, her parents decided not to have any more children. But four years later, Cintron discovered she was pregnant again. “I cried for months,” she said. “I was devastated.”

But they were lucky. Their third child, Ryan, did not inherit the sickle cell mutation.

As Ryan grew up, Helen’s health worsened. When he was 9, Helen’s doctors suggested a drastic solution: If Ryan was a match for her, he might be able to cure her by giving her some of his bone marrow, though there would also be major risks for her, including death from severe infections or serious damage to organs if his immune system attacked her body.

As it turned out, Ryan matched not Helen but Haylee, who was not as sick. Only about 15% of sickle cell patients have a matched donor, according to Collins, the NIH director.

Haylee, then 15, hesitated. She loved children and said she would forgo a cure if the harsh chemothera­py that would destroy her marrow to make way for Ryan’s left her infertile. Then her mother learned that one of Haylee’s ovaries could be surgically removed and frozen, preserving the possibilit­y of childbeari­ng.

“When I went to go get my bone marrow transplant,” Haylee said, “I was always praying that my sister gets a cure, too.”

The transplant succeeded, but her parents asked themselves how they could stand by while one daughter was cured and the sicker one continued to suffer.

There was only one way to get a sibling donor for Helen: have another baby. In 2017, the couple embarked on another grueling medical journey.

Obando had a vasectomy, so doctors had to surgically extract his sperm from his testicles. In four attempts, Cintron had 75 eggs removed from her ovaries and fertilized with her husband’s sperm. The result was more than 30 embryos.

Each embryo — created in a petri dish — was geneticall­y tested.

In the end, not a single embryo was both free of the sickle cell gene and a match for Helen.

So the family decided to move to Mesa, Arizona, from Lawrence, where the cold, which set off pain crises, kept Helen indoors all winter. The family had already sold its house when it heard that doctors at Boston Children’s were working on sickle cell gene therapy.

Cintron approached Dr. Erica Esrick, a principal investigat­or for the trial.

“I have done my research,” Cintron told her. “Where do I sign up?”

But the trial wasn’t yet open to children.

Figuring out the science

Nothing had prepared Orkin for the suffering he witnessed in his 30s as a medical resident in the pediatric hematology ward at Boston Children’s. It was the 1970s, and the beds were filled with children who had sickle cell — four to a room, curled up, crying in pain. Some had strokes; others had lung blockages.

Like many other scientists, Orkin knew there was a solution to the puzzle of sickle cell, at least in theory: Fetuses make hemoglobin — the oxygen-carrying molecules in blood cells — with a different gene. Blood cells filled with fetal hemoglobin do not sickle. But the fetal gene is turned off after a baby is born, and an adult hemoglobin gene takes over. If the adult gene is mutated, red cells sickle.

Researcher­s had to figure out how to switch hemoglobin production to the fetal form.

No one knew how to do that.

Orkin said he didn’t believe more money for research would have helped. He needed ideas. Supported by the National Institutes of Health and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, he kept looking.

The breakthrou­gh came in 2008. The cost of gene sequencing was plummeting, and scientists were finding millions of genetic signposts on human DNA, allowing them to home in on small genetic difference­s among individual­s. Researcher­s started doing large-scale DNA scans of population­s, looking for tiny but significan­t changes in genes. They asked: Was there a molecular switch that flipped cells from making fetal to adult hemoglobin? And if there was, could the switch be flipped back?

They found a promising lead: an unpreposse­ssing gene called BCL11A.

“We would never in a million years have guessed it,” Orkin said.

In a lab experiment, researcher­s blocked this gene and discovered that the blood cells in petri dishes started making fetal instead of adult hemoglobin.

Next they tried blocking the gene in mice geneticall­y engineered to have human hemoglobin and sickle cell disease. Again, it worked. The mice were cured.

Patients came next, in the gene therapy trial at Boston Children’s that began in 2018.

The researcher­s will follow the patients for 15 years to see if the treatment lasts, as the Food and Drug Administra­tion requires in gene therapy clinical trials.

With the success in adults, the FDA said Boston Children’s could move on to teenagers.

When her mother told her about the gene therapy trial, Helen was frightened. “I wanted to see other people go through it first,” she said. But the more she thought about it, the more she was ready to take the risk. She dreaded losing her hair from chemothera­py. She was nervous about having an ovary removed. But she decided she would tolerate almost anything if the sickle cell disease would just go away.

In the months after the gene therapy infusion at Boston Children’s, her symptoms disappeare­d. But doctors had given her blood transfusio­ns while she regrew her own red blood cells, so it was not clear if the absence of symptoms was because of the gene therapy or the transfusio­ns.

Helen was scheduled for her six-month checkup Dec. 16. By then, all the transfused cells were gone, leaving only blood made by stem cells in her own marrow. The doctors would finally tell her whether the therapy was working.the day before, she and her parents visited the New England Aquarium in Boston. She was able to stay outside on a cold, blustery day.

The next morning, Esrick delivered the news. Helen’s total hemoglobin level was so high it was nearly normal — a level she never before had achieved, even with blood transfusio­ns. She had no signs of sickle cell disease.

 ?? HILARY SWIFT — THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Helen Obando, the youngest person to have gene therapy for sickle cell anemia, awaits her checkup in December.
HILARY SWIFT — THE NEW YORK TIMES Helen Obando, the youngest person to have gene therapy for sickle cell anemia, awaits her checkup in December.

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