The Mercury News

Garden slows in winter, but chores never end

- Joan Morris Columnist

January is perhaps the quietest time in the garden — a respite before all the chores of spring are upon us.

The cold weather and rainy days can be happily passed in the warmth and comfort of our homes, but on sunny days, the garden calls us to complete a few necessary tasks.

You can’t count on the rain

As much as we’d like to let nature take over the irrigation of our gardens, it’s not always reliable. So if it hasn’t rained in a few days, check your flower beds, potted plants and landscaped areas to make sure none of them have gotten too dry.

If you don’t have one, buy a soil sampler probe. This device is more reliable than a digital probe or moisture sensor. You push it into the ground and pull out a core sample of earth. You can then see how wet the soil is and how far down. Most samplers go down 24 inches.

Although winter is the perfect time for planting California natives, be careful when working in your beds. Soil can become compacted and digging too much can create hard clumps in clay soil. Plant, yes, but don’t overwork the ground when it’s very wet.

Winter pests

It seems weeds are always in season. Remove winter weeds when they are small, before they set seed. You’ll thank us later.

The damp weather also should have awakened snails and slugs that have been snoozing through the dry days. Hand pick, trap or use baits made of iron phosphate, which will kill the slugs and snails without harming other animals. Remember that snails and slugs are a valuable food source for a number of creatures, so use a light hand.

Time to chop

If you haven’t gotten

 ?? FLAIRIMAGE­S/GETTY IMAGES ?? It’s a long way from spring, but now is the perfect time to plan your garden and order seeds for the new growing season.
FLAIRIMAGE­S/GETTY IMAGES It’s a long way from spring, but now is the perfect time to plan your garden and order seeds for the new growing season.
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