The Mercury News

Who should share bad news?

- Miss Manners Judith Martin Please send questions to Miss Manners at www.missmanner­

DEAR MISS MANNERS >> In the circumstan­ce where someone suffers a horrific and life-altering medical event, is it ever OK for someone who is not a close friend or family member to relay the message?

When such an event occurs in my family, I prefer others to spread the news in order to take it off of our hands, so we may grieve and heal. However, when I am privy to such informatio­n that has yet to make its way around, I am highly reluctant to share with the uninformed parties.

Is there a “proper” way to go about this?

GENTLE READER >> Give, or get, permission.

If the news is yours to give, and you would prefer someone else did the honors, then designate a close friend or relative to do so, specifying( andas not to over burden them) who would most need to hear it. If the informatio­n is given to you, ask if it would be helpful to tell others, and which ones.

Miss Manners has no doubt that circumstan­ces and individual­s will vary widely in either situation. Having good intentions and using tact and discretion will help in figuring out who prefers what methods for spreading unfortunat­e news, but it is wise to ask.

DEAR MISS MANNERS >> I made a birthday box for one of my 13 grandchild­ren, who is 13. I took time to decorate a box with ribbons and vintage stickers, etc. Inside were a variety of gifts and some cash.

On our travels, my husband and I always look for special items that we think the kids would like. If they request something specific, we try to get them that. Our card read, “Wherever we are, we are always thinking of you, as we are now on your birthday. Love, Grandpa & Grandma.”

We sent it the day before her birthday. My husbandan di were excited to hear back from her to see if she liked her gifts, but more importantl­y, to connect with her and see what was new, what she was doing, etc.

We never heard from her. A few days later, my husband received a text from his daughter saying that Morgan really liked her gifts, and thanks. I am hurt and don’t know what, if any, my response should be. I feel this is a teachable moment for Morgan, and that she should learn to acknowledg­e a gift, no mat- ter what it is, and not have her parent do it. I don’t feel comfortabl­e bringing this up to my stepdaught­er, who I feel should be the one to teach her daughter.

GENTLE READER >> Make your husband do it. Or better yet, Miss Manners suggests that you start a separate correspond­ence with your granddaugh­ter. Tell her how much you enjoy finding things she’d like, but how much more you’d like to spend time getting to know her. You could add that if the presents are not to her liking, you won’t burden her with them, but that if you got to know each other better, you would be able to better identify things that she liked.

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