The Mercury News

Battling the imaginary threat from ‘radical’ left

- By John M. Crisp John M. Crisp is a Tribune News Service columnist. © 2020 Tribune Content Agency. Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency.

Many of the supporters of President Donald Trump whom I talk with, through email or in person, express less passion for the man than fear of the alternativ­e: A vote for Democrats is a vote for socialism or, even worse, communism.

But this fear is imaginary, and it should not in itself serve as a rationale for casting a vote for Trump. The stakes are high. Trump’s continuanc­e in office is dangerous for a republic that — at our best — is characteri­zed by the separation of powers, the rule of law and easy and universal access to voting. And then there’s the matter of the dignity and decency in our national leadership.

Many of Trump’s supporters concede that he has neither dignity nor decency — he’s just Trump being Trump — but he’s still better than the alternativ­e, socialism, which will be the result if Biden is elected. Or so they argue.

But even if Bernie Sanders were elected president in November and he appointed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as his secretary of state, the nation is an enormous distance from implementi­ng the kinds of “radical” policies that the right associates with the two of them and the far left.

Certainly, some on the farthest reaches of the left talk about Medicare for All and the complete eliminatio­n of private health insurance. Some dream of abolishing the police and eliminatin­g immediatel­y the use of hydrocarbo­ns.

But the ship of state sails slowly, and its momentum is enormous. It takes forever to change course. Further, the aspiration­s of the far left are not embraced by the majority of the Democratic Party, by any means. Besides, as I try to reassure my skeptical Trump-supporting acquaintan­ces, none of these radical ideas is going to be implemente­d as long as the power in Washington is balanced by a Republican Senate.

What if the Democrats win control of the Senate? Then, they respond, the slippery slope toward socialism is slathered with another coat of grease.

But here’s the part that worries me: If the Democrats win the White House and Senate in November and retain their majority in the House, many of the Trump supporters that I communicat­e with appear to be unwilling to accept this shift of our national political equilibriu­m toward the left. Which is another way of saying that they no longer believe in democracy.

The fact is, our country is more accurately described as center-left than right-wing. Most Americans want the things that Democrats stand for. We like the idea of a decent social safety net, especially once we have to fall into it. We love Social Security; if you don’t now, you will once you begin to receive it.

Americans as a whole believe that everyone should be equal before the law and that friends of the rich and powerful should not get special treatment. Most Americans believe in the right to own weapons, but the great majority accepts the idea of reasonable restraints on gun ownership. Most Americans want, for themselves and for others, good health care and good education.

Most Americans believe that it’s wrong for the wealthy to not pay their share of taxes. Most want everyone to be able to vote easily and for every vote to count. And we really love the post office.

Trump voters, vote for Trump if you must, if you think our country can endure four more years of chaos, incompeten­ce and corruption. But don’ t be beguiled by the straw man argument that the day following a Democratic victory the nation will fall into a socialisti­c apocalypse.

No, if the Democrats win, the country might move more in the direction that everyone actually wants it to go. But that’s just an expression of what it means to be a democracy.

“Trump voters, vote for Trump if you must, if you think our country can endure four more years of chaos, incompeten­ce and corruption.”

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