The Mercury News

Three ballot measures that will test California­ns’ attitudes toward crime

- By Dan Walters Dan Walters is a CalMatters columnist.

“Given the need to achieve savings and the decline in the prison population since 2007, the state budget called for the closure of a prison. (Deuel Vocational Institutio­n) was chosen for closure based on cost to operate, impact of closure on the workforce, and population housing needs, and prioritiza­tion of public safety and rehabilita­tion.”

— Ralph Diaz, secretary for the California Department of Correction­s and Rehabilita­tion

Gov. Gavin Newsom said earlier this year that as the state’s prison population continued to decline, he wanted to start closing down prisons.

He made good on that intention last week when the Department of Correction­s and Rehabilita­tion announced plans to shutter Deuel Vocational Institutio­n near Tracy, which had been constructe­d in the 1950s as a place where young felons could be transforme­d into solid citizens.

“Given the need to achieve savings and the decline in the prison population since 2007, the state budget called for the closure of a prison. (Deuel Vocational Institutio­n) was chosen for closure based on cost to operate, impact of closure on the workforce, and population housing needs, and prioritiza­tion of public safety and rehabilita­tion,” Secretary Ralph Diaz said in a statement.

The announceme­nt is the latest manifestat­ion of the immense change in California’s approach to criminal justice, from the lock-’em-up policies of the 1980s and 1990s — which increased the prison inmate population­s eightfold — to the “reforms” of the past decade that have reduced those population­s by more than a third.

Some of that reduction stemmed from federal court orders to decrease the severe overcrowdi­ng that developed despite constructi­on of dozens of new prisons. However, it mostly reflected a leftward shift in the state’s political atmosphere and former Gov. Jerry Brown’s desire, during his second governorsh­ip, to reverse the tough sentencing policies he had embraced during his first tour of duty four decades earlier.

Brown encouraged the Legislatur­e’s dominant Democrats to modify the state’s tough sentencing laws, symbolized by the “three strikes and you’re out” doctrine approved by voters in the early 1990s, and personally sponsored one of several ballot measures to go easier on those convicted of crimes.

In effect, Brown and others in the criminal justice reform movement have sought a return to the penal philosophy that California had adopted during the post-World War II era — that counseling, education, drug treatment and vocational training could convert offenders into productive members of society. It was the philosophy that led to constructi­on of Deuel Vocational Institutio­n in the early 1950s.

The new reformist approach, however, is not without its critics, who contend that crime will increase with fewer offenders behind bars, although there’s no statistica­l support for that, at least so far. The debate over whether reform is working has also found its way, as do many contentiou­s California issues, onto the ballot via three propositio­ns. In numerical order:

• Propositio­n 17, placed on the ballot by a reform-minded Legislatur­e, would allow felons who have completed their sentences, but are still on parole, to vote. It’s a mostly symbolic gesture but draws ire from criminal justice hard-liners who say it would dishonor victims.

• Propositio­n 20 is the hardliners’ response to the recent spate of laws that lighten punishment, including Brown’s Propositio­n 57, a 2016 measure that made parole easier for “nonviolent” inmates. If passed, Propositio­n 20 would make fewer felons eligible for parole, particular­ly those convicted of sex crimes, by changing the definition of “nonviolent.”

• Propositio­n 25 is a referendum to repeal one of the Legislatur­e’s landmark criminal justice changes, a 2018 law that eliminates cash bail for criminal defendants on the assertion that bail discrimina­tes against the poor. The bail bond industry, facing extinction, sponsored the referendum and is seeking a “no” vote to repeal the law, arguing that it allows dangerous defendants to roam freely and commit new crimes.

Together, these three measures test whether California voters endorse the criminal justice reform movement or believe that it’s gone too far.

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