The Mercury News

Tinkerbell Lantern



A Mason jar with lid (or any glass jar with a lid and smooth surfaces)


Light-colored tissue paper in two or three colors

White pencil or crayon

Black constructi­on paper

A paint brush you don't mind getting gluey, preferably one made of foam

Small bottle of Mod Podge craft glue 1-foot length of ribbon Battery-operated tea light or string of battery powered lights


Wash and thoroughly dry your Mason jar. Using scissors, cut out 30 small pieces of tissue paper — 1½-inch squares or other shapes.

Using a white pencil, draw a fairy on the black constructi­on paper freehand or find one you like online and trace it onto the paper. Make sure your fairy can fit in the jar. For a large jar, the fairy should be no taller than 4 inches. For a regular-sized Mason jar, it should be about 3 inches. After the fairy is drawn, cut it out. Using the brush, apply a layer of Mod Podge on the inside of the jar, where you want to apply the paper fairy. Place the fairy against the adhesive, pressing down to make sure it sticks. A pencil or popsicle stick is useful, if you have a hard time getting your hand in the jar. Brush a thin layer of Mod Podge over the exterior of the entire jar. Place tissue paper shapes on the jar, creating a stained glass effect. Don't worry if the tissue paper overlaps. Some overlap means that when the light shines through you will get a beautiful 3D effect.

Add another, slightly thicker layer of Mod Podge to help any overlap stick down and create a top coat that seals your jar. Let dry for 30 minutes, preferably in a sunny place.

Tie the ribbon around the top of the jar right under the lip. Make a bow. Let dry for another 30 minutes.

Place your light source in the jar and put on the lid. Enjoy.

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