The Mercury News

Wearable art



¾ to 1-inch circle template, like the lid from a bottle or small jar

White gel pens, fine point

Black card stock or sturdy pages from a black photo album (not constructi­on paper)

Old photos, book or dictionary pages, scrapbooki­ng papers, etc.

Glue stick

Matte Mod Podge sealer


Black marker

Masking or painters tape

Black thread


Using the circle template and a white gel pen, trace 26 or more rounds on the black card stock or photo album paper.

Use the white gel pen to fill in the rounds with your own drawings. Or decorate them with circular cut-outs from photos, book pages or other paper mementos, using a glue stick to attach the cut-outs.

Brush a thick coat of Matte Mod Podge over the decorated rounds to provide a protective sealant.

After the Mod Podge dries, carefully cut out the rounds. Pair two rounds and glue them together, with the decorated sides visible. Touch up the outer edges with a black marker. Repeat with the rest of the rounds.

Tear off a length of masking tape 28 inches or longer. Rub the sticky side on your pants to reduce its stickiness. The tape will be used to hold the rounds in place as you sew them together

Lay the tape flat, with the sticky-side up. Keep the tape taut as you place the rounds — evenly and touching edge to edge — across the top half of the masking tape. Fold up the bottom side of the masking tape about ¼ inch to secure the bottom of the rounds for sewing. Using black thread and a sewing machine, slowly sew a line up the center of the rounds from top to bottom. Finish by stitching the top and bottom rounds together along that center line to form a necklace.

Peel off the masking tape carefully and slowly, so as to not tear off the decoration. Finish the necklace by brushing on another coat of Mod Podge along the stitching on each side of the rounds.

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