The Mercury News

Kridge >>

- Ky yrank Stewart

“I Googled ‘How to start a fire’ and got 800 matches.” — graffiti

To start an argument, rub a couple of bridge players together after a session of play. Two club players brought me today’s deal. They had reached four spades, down one, as North-South.

West led a high heart, and South took the ace, led a club to his hand and returned a trump: six, queen, king. East cashed a heart and, seeing no more side-suit tricks, led a third heart.

South ruffed in his hand and led a second trump. When West took his ace, he led a fourth heart, and East scored his ten of trumps!

The argument was over the bidding.


“My partner should’ve bid the cold 3NT over my three diamonds,” North asserted, “instead of looking to play at a 5-3 spade fit with such ragged spades.”

“To show my five-card major was clear,” South insisted. “Four spades might have been best.”

I can understand both sides of the argument. I would attribute the result mostly to East-West’s good defense.


You hold: ♠ 98543 ♥ 107 ♦ A 10 3 ♣ K J 4. Your partner opens 2NT. South in today’s deal responded three clubs, Stayman, with this hand. Do you agree?

ANSWER: Many players would bid three hearts as a “transfer” response, asking partner to bid three spades. Then South would bid 3NT to let North choose a game. South’s actual three-club call was reasonable, assuming he intended to bid 3NT next unless North had four cards in spades.

North dealer

N-S vulnerable

 ??  ??

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