The Mercury News

Senate leader has plan to keep drought from becoming a crisis

- By George Skelton George Skelton is a Los Angeles Times columnist. © 2021 Los Angeles Times. Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency.

California’s big reservoirs are about half empty. We’re heading into another drought. But Sacramento’s vault is overflowin­g while Washington is pumping in more dollars.

Here’s an idea: Spend some windfall money on no-brainer, quickie public works projects to help us confront the drought and prepare for an unstable climate future.

Credit state Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins, D-San Diego. It’s her idea.

Atkins is writing legislatio­n to capitalize on state government’s unexpected fiscal bonanza, created mainly by upper-income prosperity during the pandemic and a free-spending federal government. She proposes to swiftly spend $2 billion on strategic, noncontrov­ersial waterworks.

Yes, government rarely does anything swiftly. But the Senate leader believes there’s ample reason to break the norm this time. The money is sitting idle, and the need is clear. We just came through our second straight dry winter.

The statewide snowpack was only 59% of normal last week.

Shasta Lake, California’s largest reservoir and the cornerston­e of the federal Central Valley Project, was just 53% full. That’s 65% of average for April 1. Oroville, the main reservoir in the State Water Project that helps supply Southern California, was 41% full — 53% of average.

The federal and state water projects are projecting severe summer cutbacks in deliveries to farms and cities.

Meanwhile, Gov. Gavin Newsom and the Legislatur­e are reveling in a state budget surplus of around $20 billion.

President Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronaviru­s stimulus package, the so-called American Rescue Plan, includes $26 billion for California state government.

There are also a few hundred million dollars left over from state water bonds approved by voters. So, money’s no object. That’s not even counting a potential cascade of tax dollars from Biden’s new $2 trillion-plus infrastruc­ture proposal. It contains $111 billion for waterworks. But Congress will be fighting over that for months.

“We have a once-in-ageneratio­n opportunit­y with one-time available funds and federal stimulus dollars on top of existing bond funds, and I say let’s turn on the tap and get those dollars flowing now,” Atkins told me in an email.

“Investing in storage, groundwate­r banks, water recycling and consumer rebates for making watersavin­g investment­s in yard landscapin­g are options we know help” in a drought, Atkins said.

She isn’t thinking about building dams. Those are too controvers­ial and costly. And the projects drag on for years. She envisions major groundwate­r replenishm­ent.

She suggests using the state money for other water projects to help San Joaquin Valley agricultur­e. An example: Recharging aquifers that have been over-pumped, causing water tables to drop so low that wells have dried up.

Her legislatio­n would provide $500 million so small towns could clean up drinking water and create more storage, such as erecting new water tanks or hooking up to larger water systems.

There’d be $500 million in rebates to homeowners and small businesses for replacing water-guzzling vegetation with droughtfri­endly landscapin­g.

There’d also be $300 million to help water districts meet a state requiremen­t that all groundwate­r pumping be sustainabl­e by 2040.

Falling aquifers have caused land to sink in some areas, cracking aqueducts and canals — and creating massive water leakage. Atkins doesn’t propose to patch the aqueduct leaks, because paying for it is too contentiou­s. The Legislatur­e could get bogged down.

Environmen­tal activists demand that local water districts — mainly agricultur­e — finance the patching. The districts counter that it’s a state problem; the more water saved, the better for everyone. That makes sense.

Sen. Melissa Hurtado, D-Sanger, is pushing a bill to spend $785 million on repairing leaky canals and sunken roads.

“Some canals are facing water losses of between 15% and 60%,” she says.

Meanwhile, Atkins is looking for the quickest way to get California ahead of its next big crisis: a drought. Hopefully, she’ll be joined by Assembly leaders and Newsom.

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