The Mercury News

Facebook policing itself is a bad idea

- — Krystal Backhus, Santa Clara

Re: “What will Facebook do as the country’s top lobbying force?” (Editorial, Page A12, April 4):

I disagree that Facebook should be the main decisionma­ker in how to regulate the misinforma­tion and hate speech that proliferat­es across its platform. Businesses are already given too much power to pursue their own interests through lobbying at the expense of the general public.

While I agree that misinforma­tion and hate speech need to be addressed as a way of maintainin­g peace and improving the quality of discourse for Facebook users, that role should be given to the government and Facebook should follow their laws and decisions around the issue.

I think the government should alter Section 230 to make it so businesses have to mark false informatio­n on posts and flag hate speech so that it is visible to all users. That way, people can still practice free speech and will also be advised when posts disregard facts.

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