The Mercury News

Squirrels set sights — and teeth — on rose bushes

- Joan Morris Contact Joan Morris at jmorris@bayareanew­

DEAR JOAN >> We have a well-establishe­d rose bed with eight plants, the youngest of which is about 6 years old with four larger and four smaller plants.

For the first time in the 25-plus years we’ve been in the home, we’ve noticed that gray squirrels have gone after post-pruning sprouts on the smaller plants, stripping the new growth off the plant and eating the branches to include leaves and thorns. Any idea on what is causing this newly observed behavior?

— Lawrence Pratt, San Jose

DEAR LAWRENCE >> The behavior might be newly noticed by you, but it’s common for squirrels to go after new, tender and tasty growth on plants.

Either you’ve been fortunate all these years that the squirrels were getting their kicks elsewhere, or the damage in the past has been so minimal that you haven’t noticed.

Squirrels do this for a few reasons. One, the new growth on plants usually is juicy and full of moisture, which thirsty squirrels appreciate. The new growth also tastes pretty good.

Two, squirrels and other rodents have teeth that continue to grow, which requires them to gnaw on things to keep the teeth short. Usually they pick decks, patio beams and more mature plant growth for this task, but the urge — and need — to gnaw is overriding.

And three, they need nest-building materials. The missing parts of your roses might not be consumed, but taken away to line their massive nests.

You can combat the squirrels by offering alternativ­e chewing sources, such as a stack of kindling, and provide them a water source.

DEAR JOAN >> Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve noticed at least one squirrel gnawing on our plastic hose nozzles and plastic sprinklers — not dainty gnawing, either. We are needing to replace these because they no longer function as they are badly damaged.

Is there something missing in the squirrel’s diet or maybe he or she is sharpening its teeth?

— Ann Bartoletti, Salinas

DEAR ANN >> As mentioned in my answer above, squirrels have an overwhelmi­ng need to gnaw on things, and it’s not a reflection of something missing from their diet. In the case of your irrigation, they also are after the water inside the tubes.

It’s going to be a long, hot, dry summer, and irrigation systems will be primary targets. You could set out some water bowls for them.

You also can try coating the hoses with a hot pepper sauce. Look for a commercial brand of squirrel deterrent. Most of them not only have capsaicin, which is what brings the heat in peppers, but also a wax that lets the sauce cling to the item sprayed.

DEAR JOAN >> I feed a family of crows. Is this a bad idea?

— Vicki Fisher, Milpitas

DEAR VICKI >> It depends on your definition of “bad.” I’m sure the crows think it a brilliant idea.

Crows are considered bullies in the bird world, and a lot of humans dislike them because they are noisy, take over bird feeders and kill young songbirds. As long as your neighbors don’t take up pitchforks against you, I think it’s fine.

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