The Mercury News

Governor’s choice is key to providing clean water for all

- By Belinda Faustina and Barbara Barrigan-Parilla Belinda Faustina is a strategic adviser with Los Angeles Waterkeepe­r. Barbara BarriganPa­rilla is the executive director of Restore the Delta.

California’s drought highlights the importance of an appointmen­t sitting on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk — filling the final seat on the State Water Resources Control Board. This is a critical agency appointmen­t at a critical time.

The drought highlights many inequities in California water policy.

Disadvanta­ged communitie­s in Stockton face the prospect of a drought summer plagued by harmful algae blooms in Delta rivers. Those algae outbreaks, which can harm children and kill pets, are caused by excessive nutrients and inadequate freshwater flow. Think what it means for a parent to be afraid for their child’s health if they swim in a river on a hot summer day.

Central Valley communitie­s that rely on groundwate­r for their drinking water face twin challenges. First, their groundwate­r has been contaminat­ed by decades of fertilizer overapplic­ation on neighborin­g farms. Second, during the drought, neighborin­g farmers with deeper wells may pump their town’s wells dry.

In Southern California, people often look to Santa Monica Bay when thinking about water quality. But for many Angelenos, the Los Angeles River is the body of water in their backyard. Many of the communitie­s along the river are disadvanta­ged communitie­s of color. Those communitie­s see the restoratio­n of the L.A. River as a key to their economic future and quality of life. But the river is severely polluted. Without water board efforts to clean up pollution, efforts to restore habitat and build parks and riverside trails will be hamstrung.

Make no mistake, water pollution is holding these communitie­s back.

The salmon fishing industry and Native American tribes face the prospect of another drought disaster if the Bureau of Reclamatio­n drains too much cold water from Shasta Dam. That could mean lethal water temperatur­es for juvenile salmon this fall — and lost fishing jobs and tribal resources in following years.

The state water board is a key decisionma­ker on these issues. That’s why the appointmen­t of the board’s fifth member is so important.

Last year, the board launched a new racial equity initiative. The appointmen­t of a person committed to equity and addressing imbalanced water policies could help move the board forward. The wrong appointmen­t could lead to paralysis.

California’s water regulators face tough challenges, including inequitabl­e water policies, lingering pollution — particular­ly in disadvanta­ged communitie­s — and collapsing fish species, all of which are exacerbate­d by climate change. To give the board a fighting chance to successful­ly tackle them, the governor should appoint a new board member with demonstrat­ed commitment to equity and deep experience working directly with disadvanta­ged communitie­s, not a business-as-usual candidate who consults with polluters more than with California’s most vulnerable residents. This appointmen­t will not end the drought, nor will it instantly clean up our rivers or resolve inequities. But the right appointmen­t can help realize California’s goal of ensuring the human right to water.

The Legislatur­e is aware of the challenges facing the board and the inequities in our current water policies. This is why Assemblyma­n Robert Rivas, DHollister, introduced AB 377, to give the water board new tools to deliver clean water to all California­ns. But strong laws require strong appointmen­ts to deliver results.

Nationwide, the past year has seen a growing focus on equity. In a complex society, inequity takes many forms and appears in many areas. In California, where it is often said that water is life, water is one of those areas. All California­ns deserve clean water. And by appointing a state water board member committed to reversing the inequities in our water policies, Newsom can help California take an important step toward ensuring clean water for all.

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