The Mercury News

Bridge >> By Frank Stewart


A wiser man than I said that common sense and a sense of humor are similar things, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is but common sense ... dancing.

“Card sense” is the ability to visualize and manipulate arrays of cards. Some people are born with it, but it can be acquired.

Handling suit combinatio­ns, a fundamenta­l skill in dummy play, requires a degree of card sense. You’re today’s declarer at 3NT. You take the king of spades and count eight tricks: two spades, two hearts, three diamonds, one club. You need a second club.


If overtricks were a factor, you might lead a club to dummy’s jack at Trick Two; West might hold K-x or Q-x. But to assure your game, lead to the ace.

When East’s queen falls, you lead the jack, forcing out West’s king and setting up your ten. But no matter how the missing clubs lie, you will be safe. If East-West followed low to the ace, you would lead low toward your ten. You succeed even if either defender has K-Q-9-8.


You hold: ♠ A732 ♥ 84 ♦ A 10 5 ♣ A J 5 2. Your partner opens one club, you bid one spade and he rebids two clubs. What do you say?

ANSWER: This hand would be easy to misjudge. If partner has an ideal minimum such as 4, A K 5, K64,K108763,youcanmake­six clubs. To give yourself a chance to get there (or to stop at 3NT instead), bid two diamonds, a new suit, hence forcing. You may have a better idea of your best contract after hearing partner’s next bid.

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