The Mercury News

‘Ratchet & Clank’ game is growing up a little


“Ratchet & Clank” has always been slanted toward children. It’s a family-friendly series that has made its name on cartoonish violence and big personalit­ies. Unlike its peers, though, it has managed to evolve with age.

The puerile sense of humor gave way to more sophistica­ted jokes that work for children and adults. The storytelli­ng has grown more nuanced. Meanwhile, “Ratchet & Clank’s” graphics have benefited from the improving horsepower of the PlayStatio­n machines, going from primitive textures and polygons on the PlayStatio­n 2 to visuals that are a step below Pixar films on the PlayStatio­n 4.

As the franchise shifts to the PlayStatio­n 5 with “Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart,” it’s taking another step forward. At this point, the game has moved on from its Pixar phase and now feels like a project in line with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. That is to say the game maintains that sense of family entertainm­ent, but Insomniac adds more spectacle, style and gravity to the adventure.

In this chapter, Ratchet and Clank find themselves as celebrated heroes who wonder if they’re still worthy of that adulation. The two erase that doubt as they find themselves put to the test against their usual nemesis, Dr. Nefarious. The villain and his goons crash the parade honoring the duo and he steals the Dimensiona­tor, a device that lets him travel to other realities.

Messing with another dimension

During a struggle for the device, it malfunctio­ns and sends Dr. Nefarious, Ratchet and Clank to an alternate world where the villain has succeeded in conquering the galaxy. Obviously, this thrills Dr. Nefarious while the titular heroes face an uphill battle as they rally a resistance force. Ratchet and Clank also meet up with their counterpar­ts Rivet, a fellow Lombax, and Kit, a warbot with a dark past. Although they appear like the female versions of the more familiar duo, the two have their own intriguing backstory that focuses on their own strengths and character flaws.

They’re products of a dimension that’s ruled by Emperor Nefarious, who is a more ruthless and calculatin­g version of the archnemesi­s that Ratchet and Clank have faced in the past. That makes him feel like a worthy and more serious foe as his quest for domination extends to all realities, not just the one he controls.

Rivet, Kit and the rest of the resistance’s campaign against the two Nefarious villains is epic as players venture through nine locales. Each is enormous and elaborate with secrets begging to be explored. Players will find spybots that unlock a secret weapon, golden bolts that unlock cosmetic perks and armor pieces that confer bonuses.

The combat remains mostly the same for veterans of the series. “Ratchet & Clank” games have always been about overthe-top weapons that make enemies dance or find funny ways to inflict their damage. “Rift Part” maintains the outlandish weapon types but Insomniac allows for more interplay between them. Players can use the Topiary Sprinklers to root enemies into place while they use the Apocalypse Glove to send minions to pummel enemies. Elsewhere, the Lightning Rod shoots electricit­y to stun foes while players can use Ms. Fungal to deliver turretlike mushrooms to blast them from afar.

“Rift Apart” nudges players to experiment with weapons by throwing out enemies that demand different tactics. Some adversarie­s have shields that block bullets while others swarm Ratchet or Rivet. Insomniac also incentiviz­es players to use different weapons through a leveling system that unlocks the guns’ potential when they defeat more foes. To actually acquire the stat boosts, players need an element called Raritanium which is acquired by beating powerful mini-bosses or finding secret stashes. If players beat the game, they’ll find that they can unlock Omega versions of each weapon in the New Game Plus mode, but they’ll also need more bolts to purchase them and use Raritanium to power them up. Having the right armor pieces will help speed this process along.

On top of everything else, the two Lombaxes, Ratchet and Rivet, curiously share the weapons and gear though they don’t meet face to face for half the game. It’s a weird quirk in storytelli­ng along with the idea that the two heroes share the same experience points and progressio­n, gaining more health with each level.

Weaving puzzles and action

Although “Rift Apart” has plenty of combat and platformin­g, Insomniac does a smart job of breaking it up with puzzle levels courtesy of Clank, Kit and Glitch. The first two are warbots who have the power to fix dimensiona­l rifts by clearing paths for their possible selves. Yes, it sounds like a bunch of metaphysic­al mumbojumbo, but it’s essentiall­y getting automated versions of these robots from one part of a room to another using balls that modify different elements of the stage.

Glitch is a hacking construct that Ratchet uses to eliminate computer viruses that infect gadgets and halt his progress. The Glitch levels are topsyturvy and have spiderlike programs shooting at the viruses and minions while also taking down their defenses. The hardest part is navigating the mazelike stages because the AI program can walk up walls and ceilings to ferret out the bugs that hang in out of the way places.

Insomniac weaves these elements together to create a compelling adventure that raises the stakes and scope, compared to the franchise’s previous adventures. “Rift Apart” has jaw-dropping moments where the developers harness the PlayStatio­n 5 strengths to create intricate set pieces that feel like they’re straight out of a Hollywood blockbuste­r.

Insomniac balances the thrill ride with characters that have modest depth to them. Don’t expect Shakespear­e or Dickens. Rather, Ratchet, Rivet and Kit all have internal fears they have to overcome in order to save the multiverse. The character arcs feel hamhanded at times but the narrative does enough to convey the right feelings and motivation­s that players can buy into and enjoy the counterwei­ght to the eye-candy extravagan­za of this multidimen­sional adventure.

 ?? SONY INTERACTIV­E ENTERTAINM­ENT ?? Ratchet lands in a dimension where Emperor Nefarious rules the galaxy in “Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart.”
SONY INTERACTIV­E ENTERTAINM­ENT Ratchet lands in a dimension where Emperor Nefarious rules the galaxy in “Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart.”
 ??  ??

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