The Mercury News

Democrats have a year to save the planet

- By Farhad Manjoo Farhad Manjoo is a New York Times columnist.

A century from now, our descendant­s may look back on the next year or so as a hinge in history. This could be the great turning point — an opportunit­y for the United States to finally take grand action to curb the worst effects of a climate barreling toward catastroph­e.

Picture the saga as it unfolds across the central gallery of the Biden presidenti­al library: In the jubilant aftermath of a pandemic, a president campaigns tirelessly for an ambitious set of investment­s to mitigate the next great threat. Congress, shaken into action by a restive citizenry, somehow rises to the occasion, overcoming just enough partisan resistance to adopt a breakthrou­gh environmen­tal agenda. The global effort to curb planet-warming emissions had been foundering, but suddenly there was new hope. The Earth may be parched and sweltering, but all is not lost, for Americans finally got in the game.

Or consider an alternativ­e exhibit, in some side gallery, that sadly reflects on an enormous lost opportunit­y. Despite recognizin­g the epic stakes in the fight against climate change, the president goes too small, capitulate­s too easily. Congress loses itself in petty, shortsight­ed rancor. The people, fearing sacrifices in our heedless indulgence, shrink from necessary change. This is a dark, dead end in the Biden library: A once mighty nation is served its toughest challenge yet, and it whiffs.

This may all sound a tad overdramat­ic, but one reason addressing climate change is so difficult is that the threat is often too abstract and slow-moving to admit much urgency.

Only in the long view can we appreciate the consequenc­e of the moment. And in the long view, we’re running out of time.

This could be our do-or-die moment — with Democrats holding the White House and

barely controllin­g Congress, this may be the country’s last best political opportunit­y to do something big on the climate. But that is what’s so alarming about the current moment: After Biden’s announceme­nt last week of a watered-down compromise with centrist senators on an infrastruc­ture plan, I’m terrified that we are heading straight for die rather than do.

Scientists say that to avert the worst effects of climate change, we need to keep the planet’s temperatur­e from rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustr­ial levels. The Biden White House understand­s the urgency. The president has laid out an ambitious agenda to meet the 1.5-degree target, the centerpiec­e of which is the $2 trillion infrastruc­ture and climate plan he proposed in March.

That plan was far from perfect, but it was the furthestre­aching climate plan ever proposed by an American president. Among other goals, it would set the nation on a course toward carbon-pollution-free electricit­y generation by 2035. It would offer hundreds of billions of dollars to spur the adoption of electric cars and build out charging infrastruc­ture, to improve public transit, to reduce agricultur­al and industrial pollution and to accelerate research and developmen­t on innovation­s to solve the problems of a warming planet.

Then Biden gave away the store. Republican­s in the Senate had balked at the climate plan, especially its effort to raise taxes on the wealthy to pay for many of its investment­s. Because Democrats can’t muster the courage to jettison the filibuster, they need the votes of at least 10 Republican senators to pass most bills. Biden was able to get just five of them clearly on board for the compromise and is hoping that six others who helped negotiate it will help overcome a filibuster.

The compromise proposes spending hundreds of billions of dollars on roads and bridges. But it abandons just about every major Biden idea for combating global warming.

In announcing the deal, Biden appeared to want to do much more — the compromise, he said, would be paired with another spending bill that Democrats could try to pass under a parliament­ary technique known as reconcilia­tion, which would allow them to sidestep the Senate filibuster. That plan, he suggested, would include huge investment­s for the climate and the White House’s safety-net priorities. He promised not to sign the compromise without also signing the larger bill.

That seemed comforting — but then the president over the weekend walked back his promise. Thankfully, many Democrats in Congress aren’t backing down; a number of progressiv­es in the Senate and the House are vowing to pull support from the infrastruc­ture plan if they aren’t assured significan­t action on the climate. “No climate, no deal,” has become a lefty rallying cry.

This is to the good. What’s the point of fixing the nation’s infrastruc­ture if we don’t bother to address the primary threat to our infrastruc­ture?

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