The Mercury News

Pro-migrant groups ask court to block expulsions

- By Ted Hesson Reuters

Pro-migrant groups frustrated with President Joe Biden’s continued use of an “inhumane” Trump-era expulsion policy for migrant families will seek to block it in court, the groups said on Monday, deepening the president’s challenges on the U.S.-Mexico border.

The groups will restart litigation over Biden’s use of the so-called Title 42 order that allows U.S. officials to send migrants back to Mexico without the chance to seek asylum or other protection­s in the United States.

The outcome of the court case could complicate the Biden administra­tion’s efforts to deal with a 20year high in migrant arrests at the southern border. It has relied heavily on the support of these pro-migrant groups to help it garner public support for Biden’s vision of a more humane and orderly immigratio­n system.

The American Civil Liberties Union, the leading group representi­ng migrant families barred under the expulsion order, said in a joint court filing with the U.S. Department of Justice on Monday that negotiatio­ns to resolve the matter had “reached an impasse” and that a lawsuit to halt the policy should resume.

Biden, a Democrat who took office in January, has rolled back many of the hard-line immigratio­n measures of his Republican predecesso­r, former President Donald Trump. However, Biden has kept in place a March 2020 health order known as Title 42 that allows the United States to expel migrants encountere­d at its borders.

Pro-migrant groups and some Democrats have criticized Biden over his willingnes­s to expel migrants, including families and asylum-seekers, to danger in Mexico. The attacks from allies have undercut Biden’s assertion that he is seeking to create a more humane immigratio­n system.

In a statement, the pro-migrant groups called the Title 42 policy “inhumane” and “illegal” and said the Biden administra­tion left them no choice but to resume a legal fight over the order that had been put on pause in February for negotiatio­ns.

The White House did not immediatel­y respond to a request for comment but has said Title 42 is necessary to help curb the spread of COVID-19. Many public health care experts, however, have challenged that, saying there is no scientific data to support that rationale.

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