The Mercury News

Kridge >> Ky yrank Stewart


I’ve heard an optimist defined as someone who sets aside two hours to do his income taxes. On some deals, declarer must be an optimist: He must assume that the missing cards lie favorably.

In today’s deal, South blasted into six hearts, and West led the deuce of spades. South played dummy’s queen, losing, and won the spade return. He must have been dishearten­ed at losing the spade finesse since he next led a low trump to his ace. East’s king won the setting trick.

North-South then “discussed” the auction: 6NT by North would have been unbeatable, and each player thought the other should have bid it. Nobody commented on South’s play.


South played like a fatalist when he should have been an optimist. His only chance to pick up the trumps is to find West with the singleton jack, so South should play for that holding: At Trick Three dummy leads the queen of trumps.

Whether East covers with the king or plays low, South loses no trump tricks and makes the slam.


You hold: ♠ J6 ♥ A 10 8 4 3 ♦ AK9 ♣ K J 10. Your partner opens one spade, you respond two hearts and he bids three clubs. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner’s “high reverse” to three clubs promises substantia­l extra strength, and slam — maybe a grand slam — is all but certain. To raise to four clubs would be reasonable; a strong 4-3 trump fit might be best. An option is to temporize with a bid of three diamonds to let partner clarify his holding.

North dealer

N-S vulnerable

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