The Mercury News

Biden taking presidenti­al incompeten­ce to new level

- By Marc A. Thiessen Marc A. Thiessen is a Washington Post columnist.

Ask yourself: What kind of president goes up to Capitol Hill and urges members of his own party not to vote for one of his top legislativ­e priorities?

Answer: The same president who threatened to veto his own bill.

Recall that in June, President Biden announced he had reached a $1.2 trillion infrastruc­ture deal with a bipartisan group of senators and then promptly declared that he would veto that deal unless Congress also approved a massive Democrat-only social spending bill.

His gaffe nearly blew up the deal. Biden was forced to backtrack two days later, issuing a lengthy statement declaring he had not intended to issue a veto threat, and giving Republican­s his word the two bills were not linked and that he would pursue the passage of the infrastruc­ture plan “with vigor.”

Well on Friday, Biden broke his word. Instead of calling off House progressiv­es who had taken the infrastruc­ture deal hostage, he effectivel­y gave them his blessing to hold up the legislatio­n until there was a deal on a multitrill­ion-dollar reconcilia­tion bill. He violated his promise not to link the two pieces of legislatio­n.

Rather than work to persuade progressiv­es to allow the infrastruc­ture deal to pass, Biden never even asked for their votes. On “Fox News Sunday” this week, Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Santa Clara, told host Chris Wallace, “What the Progressiv­e Caucus has said is we will do what the president wants to do. Chris, I didn’t get one call from the White House saying that we want the infrastruc­ture bill to pass first.”

Quite the opposite, it appears the White House encouraged progressiv­es to block it. The New York Times reports that in meetings with progressiv­e lawmakers, White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain was “blunt about the president’s belief that Democrats need to reach a framework agreement on broader social policy legislatio­n before they can approve the infrastruc­ture measure.”

According to Politico, “Biden’s aides are very careful to say they never crossed the line and actively whipped against their own bill, which would have been a serious betrayal of Pelosi.” Please. They did not have to actively whip against the bill; their failure to whip for it was message enough to progressiv­es.

Just when you thought Biden had plumbed the depths of presidenti­al incompeten­ce, he finds a way to reach a new low. At a time when he desperatel­y needed a win, he tanked his own bill. He undermined Pelosi, who was working in good faith on her promise to pass the legislatio­n by Sept. 27.

He also betrayed Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., the infrastruc­ture plan’s chief Democratic sponsor, whose vote Biden desperatel­y needs to pass a reconcilia­tion bill. Sinema reportedly warned Biden that if the House did not pass the bipartisan bill by Sept. 27, she would not vote for any reconcilia­tion bill. Is she more likely to vote for one now that she knows Biden encouraged progressiv­es to block her infrastruc­ture bill, or after the president refused to condemn leftwing activists who followed Sinema into a bathroom stall, declaring her harassment was “part of the process”?

Biden also betrayed the infrastruc­ture plan’s Republican sponsors. After the veto threat fiasco, he assured them that the bills were not linked and promised he would get the infrastruc­ture deal through the House. Based on those assurances, they put their own reputation­s on the line and persuaded their GOP colleagues to support the deal, which passed the Senate with 19 Republican votes. Biden not only broke his own word to the bill’s Republican­s sponsors, he also made those Republican­s break their word to their colleagues.

It is very difficult to recover from such betrayals. Biden has irreparabl­y damaged his ability to work across the aisle, something he will regret if Republican­s take back the House or Senate — or both — in the 2022 midterms. And he has burned a Democratic senator who holds the fate of his legislativ­e agenda in her hands. The ineptitude is stunning.

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