The Mercury News

Biden, Democrats continue push for social policy deal

- By Emily Cochrane

President Joe Biden and Democratic congressio­nal leaders raced Monday to strike a compromise on a sprawling domestic policy plan, pushing for a vote within days even as a number of key sticking points remained on health care benefits, paid leave and how to pay for the package.

The White House and top Democrats hoped to reach an accord with key centrist holdouts before Biden departs later this week for a U.N. climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, that begins Sunday, where he plans to push for a stronger internatio­nal response to counter global warming and climate change.

Biden told reporters that he was aiming for a deal on the package before his trip, which is scheduled to begin Thursday in Rome ahead of the Group of 20 economic summit.

“That’s my hope,” the president said Monday as he departed for New Jersey, where he planned to promote the social safety net, climate and tax increase package, expected to cost up to $2 trillion.

“It would be very, very positive to get it done before the trip,” he added.

Democrats were also facing time pressure to approve a $1 trillion, Senate-passed bipartisan infrastruc­ture bill whose fate is tied to the broader domestic policy bill. Its enactment could hand the party a popular legislativ­e achievemen­t days before elections for governor in Virginia and New Jersey on Nov. 2. Passage of that bill would also stave off the expiration of a series of transporta­tion programs and furloughs for nearly 4,000 federal workers that are set to lapse Sunday.

On Monday afternoon, Biden traveled to Newark, New Jersey, to make the case that the infrastruc­ture bill would boost American competitiv­eness and help commuters, by fixing aging transporta­tion spans such as New Jersey’s Portal Bridge.

Liberals have so far refused to vote for the infrastruc­ture measure until a deal is reached on the far more expansive package, despite mounting pressure from their centrist colleagues.

But a number of outstandin­g issues remain over the details of the plan, which is facing unified Republican opposition and must draw the support of every Democratic senator and nearly every member of the party in the House.

Biden huddled over the weekend with Sen. Chuck Schumer, DN.Y., and Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W. Va., a crucial holdout on the measure who has pressed to keep the package to no more than $1.5 trillion, even as Biden and other Democrats have worked to nudge the price tag higher. They are also discussing how to beef up climate provisions in the legislatio­n after Manchin, a longtime defender of his state’s coal industry, rejected a $150 billion clean electricit­y program that had been the core of the plan’s bid to reduce emissions.

Manchin is also among the lawmakers who have expressed concerns with a liberal push, led by Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, the chairman of the Budget Committee, to expand Medicare to include dental, vision and hearing benefits. Biden, speaking at a CNN town hall last week, floated an $800 voucher to help accommodat­e that push. Democrats are also still haggling over the duration and details of a push to include a Medicaid expansion, a new paid leave program and an extension of expanded payments for families with children.

Speaking to reporters on Capitol Hill on Monday, Manchin expressed reservatio­ns about expanding Medicare without addressing the program’s financial stability, telling reporters, “If we’re not being fiscally responsibl­e, that’s really concerning.”

Negotiator­s are also still hammering out the details of how to pay for the package. Because Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, another key Democratic holdout on the plan, has rejected increases to corporate and individual tax rates, negotiator­s are discussing an array of alternativ­es, including beefing up the IRS’ ability to collect unpaid taxes, a wealth tax on America’s billionair­es, a global corporate minimum tax and a tax on what corporatio­ns report to shareholde­rs.

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