The Mercury News

Plan Bay Area misses the mark for the working class

- By Bobbi Lopez Bobbi Lopez is policy director at Build Affordable Faster California and co-founder of the San Francisco Latino Democratic Club.

For decades, Bay Area papers have run opinion pieces agonizing over the changing nature of our region: Can artists in the Mission survive a rental market that caters to unicorn tech firms? If NIMBYs turn out in great enough numbers, will local government ignore the possibilit­y of real supportive housing?

Most of these questions are asked to minimal effect. Not because they aren’t important, but because they are moot. Major structural changes to our nine counties are not decided in real time but predetermi­ned once every five years in a document known as the Plan Bay Area — a road map for longterm changes to Bay Area cities’ economies, environmen­ts, housing and transporta­tion.

Hypothetic­ally, these plans are meant to make the Bay

Area more equitable and affordable — the kind of place where people of every race, class and background can carve out a happy life.

But in that — and most — regards, the recently issued PBA 2050 misses the mark. If adopted as written, the plan will result in the disappeara­nce of the Bay Area’s working-class communitie­s of color and displace hundreds of thousands of long-term residents.

Chief among the challenges facing the Bay Area are the twin crises of affordable housing and homelessne­ss. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a fulltime minimum wage worker in our area who can afford a decent two-bedroom apartment. It’s only logical to expect a plan mapping out the next 30 years of equity to address these disasters with an aggressive commitment to social housing.

Instead, PBA 2050 is stuck in 1981, relying on a wildly outdated form of magical thinking called trickle-down economics to justify its endorsemen­t of for-profit developmen­t. I suppose its authors have turned a blind eye to corrupt real estate developers who have spent decades gentrifyin­g our neighborho­ods with fancy condominiu­ms suited for the ultra-rich.

If the plan promises to build social equity, pursue social justice and invest in environmen­tally sustainabl­e growth, there are a few essentials missing.

First, we need a detailed strategy to fund tens of thousands of housing units and temporary facilities that are essential to ending homelessne­ss in the Bay Area within the decade.

Second, it is imperative that the plan recognize that working class communitie­s on the front lines of the climate crisis are uniquely vulnerable to displaceme­nt sparked by rising sea levels.

As written, PBA 2050 fails to detail any clear land-use policies that would protect “communitie­s of concern” from being forced from their homes. It should mandate that at least 50% of new housing developed on publicly owned property be affordable for lower- and middle-income households.

Finally, we need to get smart about the placement of marketrate housing. I’m not knocking commercial sector growth, but we must meet the needs of new workers flooding into the Bay Area without disrupting the neighborho­od life of existing communitie­s.

Our region is home to hundreds of miles of empty shopping mall parking lots. With a little political will, that wasted blacktop could transform into new, market-rate apartment buildings, parks and small businesses — without displacing anyone.

If the plan written 30 years ago had included a contingenc­y plan for homelessne­ss — a strategy to support working people when the cost of rent outpaced the minimum wage — perhaps we wouldn’t be facing the crisis on our streets today.

The Bay Area is home to some of the richest people in the history of the world. It’s only right that every person living here is afforded their human right to housing. We need our political leaders to be better than their predecesso­rs. We need a new model in urban responsibi­lity.

Do better. Write a plan for the Bay Area that firmly establishe­s safe, decent, accessible and affordable housing as a fundamenta­l right.

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