The Mercury News

Biden is in deep trouble, but he has bounced back before

- By Doyle McManus Doyle McManus is a Los Angeles Times columnist. © 2021 Los Angeles Times. Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency.

When Joe Biden ran for president in 2020, he had all the advantages of a nonincumbe­nt in a year when everything had gone wrong.

Biden waged a careful, discipline­d campaign, built around a simple message: He would end the pandemic, rebuild the economy and restore normalcy.

After the chaos of the Trump years, that was enough.

Governing has been more difficult. The pandemic, fueled by the delta variant of the coronaviru­s, didn’t end. The economy’s recovery has come with worrisome inflation, shortages and supply chain problems. In public opinion polls, a large majority of Americans say they think the country is heading in the wrong direction.

Small wonder, then, that Biden’s popularity has tumbled so precipitou­sly. His job approval rating in the Gallup poll has fallen 14 points, from 56% in June to 42% in late October — making him less popular at this point in his tenure than any other recent president, with the singular exception of Donald Trump.

“We’re in a bad political, economic and COVID environmen­t,” Biden’s pollster, John Anzalone, told me last week. “Sometimes it takes a new year to push the reset button.”

A Republican pollster, David Winston, elaborated on the theme. “Expectatio­ns were high after election,” he said. “People expected COVID to be over; it isn’t. Voters thought they were electing normalcy, but that’s not what they’re getting.

“Biden’s problem isn’t just that several things have gone wrong; it’s that nothing seems to be going right.”

Presidents often run into trouble during their first year in office, and some manage to recover. Ronald Reagan took the economy into a deep recession in 1981 and lost 26 House seats the next year, but once the economy recovered he was reelected by a landslide. Bill Clinton presided over a disastrous first year and lost control of Congress in 1994, only to master the art of bipartisan negotiatio­n and win reelection in 1996.

Biden’s challenge is finding his own path to recovery.

Step one is fixing the two big problems the president promised to address in the first place: the pandemic and the economy.

Biden has focused on those priorities, but his progress has been slower and bumpier than many voters expected.

After months of delay, the House of Representa­tives gave him a boost on Friday by passing his $1 trillion infrastruc­ture plan in a bipartisan vote. The president was smart to announce that he plans to invite both Democrats and Republican­s to a signing ceremony, a graceful way to remind voters that he managed to persuade members of both parties to cooperate for once.

But he still needs House and Senate Democrats to pass the other cornerston­e of his legislativ­e agenda, a $1.75 trillion social spending bill that isn’t bipartisan at all.

Meanwhile, there’s something else he can do: Look for kitchen table issues he can solve

People are unhappy about rising gasoline prices. Biden spent time in Europe last week urging oil-exporting countries to increase production. It was an incongruou­s action on a trip ostensibly focused on climate change, and the oil producers didn’t immediatel­y respond — but it was still smart politics.

A Biden recovery is still possible, even in a deeply polarized country.

“Republican­s have decided that the country is going to hell in a handbasket because Biden and the Democrats are in charge, but independen­ts and especially Democrats are driven far more by events,” GOP pollster Whit Ayres said.

Biden has waged comeback campaigns before. His 2020 presidenti­al campaign was declared dead more than once; he bounced back to win the nomination and the election.

Biden’s instincts are to put his head down and plow ahead. It’s worked for him before. We’ll see if he can defy the odds again.

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