The Mercury News

Democrats paying price for redistrict­ing?

- By Mark Z. Barabak Mark Z. Barabak is a Los Angeles Times columnist. © 2021 Los Angeles Times. Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency.

In 2010, a year of deep political discontent, California­ns voted to strip lawmakers of their power to draw the state’s congressio­nal boundaries.

It wasn’t close. Despite fierce opposition from leading Democrats, among them House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco, and resistance from potent interest groups such as the California Teachers Assn., Propositio­n 20 passed by a walloping 61% to 39%.

The purpose was to introduce competitio­n into elections that had long been a slam-dunk for one party or the other by handing the map-making responsibi­lity over to a 14-member commission made up of regular folks — which is to say those not holding office or otherwise self-interested.

And it’s worked.

After years of precooked contests — including a decade in which just one congressio­nal seat flipped parties — California has become a hub of political competitio­n. As many as 10 of the state’s 52 House seats could go either way in next year’s midterm election. That’s by far the most of any state.

Some Democrats see that as a problem. The state’s overwhelmi­ng majority party has been handcuffed by the commission, they say. The citizens panel, seated after an exhaustive screening process, is split evenly between Democrats and Republican­s, with a handful of members claiming loyalty to no political party.

(Requisite background: Every decade, the state’s political boundaries are redrawn to account for population shifts over the previous 10 years. The panel is drawing 176 maps — for Congress, the 120-seat Legislatur­e and four members of the Board of Equalizati­on, which oversees tax collection. The deadline for completion is Dec. 27.)

The Democratic argument goes something like this: California­ns may feel all warm and fuzzy for doing the virtuous thing — attempting to divorce politics from redistrict­ing to the greatest extent possible — but other states with far less saintly Republican­s are doing everything possible to maximize GOP gains.

“When you have a system that says we’re going to have purity in California and skuldugger­y in Texas, you end up with an unrepresen­tative chamber,” Rep. Brad Sherman of Los Angeles griped to the New York Times. “We want to live in a system where neither party gets screwed. But worst of all is a system where only one party gets screwed.”

David Wasserman, one of the country’s leading nonpartisa­n congressio­nal analysts, estimated that neutral commission maps in the Democratic­leaning states of Colorado, New Jersey, Virginia, Washington and California will end up costing the party 10 to 15 seats they could have commandeer­ed through partisan gerrymande­ring.

Had the late San Francisco Rep. Phillip Burton, the Picasso of partisan map-drawing, been alive and controllin­g the process, Wasserman calculates, Democrats could have picked up six to seven House seats just in California.

Republican­s need a gain of five seats nationwide to win control of the House. Given history — the party in the White House almost always loses seats in the midterm election — and President Biden’s sagging approval rating, that’s likely to happen well before the sun sets over the Pacific on Nov. 8, 2022.

The consequenc­es, as Sacramento Democratic strategist Steve Maviglio says, could be profound, especially if Republican­s also seize control of the Senate.

“On the national scale that will result in a Congress that will peel back everything Democrats have accomplish­ed in the last year and adopt anti-climate, anti-choice, pro-gun policies, and other positions Democrats abhor,” Maviglio said in an email exchange.

He notes that legislatio­n that would bar gerrymande­ring nationwide — part of an expansive bill aimed at protecting voting rights — has passed the Democratic-run House but stalled due to Republican opposition in the Senate.

“Democrats are playing fair,” Maviglio said. “Republican­s aren’t.” So why, he asked, should Democrats unilateral­ly disarm themselves?

There is an awful lot to dislike about the way redistrict­ing is done. It has grossly distorted our national politics and given way too much power to lawmakers whose views reflect a minority of the electorate.

It’s easy to find fault with California’s commission and those doing its work, as with any endeavor touched by human hands. But at least the work is being done in plain sight. Commission­ers have held more than 80 hearings and logged nearly 30,000 public comments.

Feel free to criticize. But be mindful that the reason people can offer criticism — and push for remediatio­n — is because the commission is not acting in secret and presenting the public with a finished product, like it or not.

That’s how it used to be done, and a substantia­l number of people didn’t like it.

The voters have spoken. They get the last word.

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