The Mercury News

What's the matter with Kansas? Take a look closer to home

- By David Snyder David Snyder is the executive director of the First Amendment Coalition, a nonprofit that advocates for open government.

The Aug. 11 police raid on a newsroom in Marion, Kansas, drew national media coverage and provoked condemnati­on from press freedom groups across the country. For good reason.

The Marion Police Department's execution of a search warrant on the Marion County Record was not only a likely violation of federal and state law, it struck right to the core of why journalism matters and why it receives special protection­s, including in the Constituti­on.

But there's also a deeper story out of Kansas, one that goes beyond the actions of a single police chief and a single judge in a small Midwestern town.

That is the story of decay — of public understand­ing of journalist­s and journalism; of the crucial role that independen­t journalism plays in keeping public servants honest. Of the Bill of Rights and basic civics.

Setting aside the specific legal problems with the Marion search warrant — of which there appear to be many — raids like the one in Kansas couldn't happen in a place where the bedrock principles of our democracy were properly understood.

But then neither could the dozens of similar affronts to a free press documented in the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker, a joint project of numerous press advocacy organizati­ons. The vast majority of these incidents do not reach the national consciousn­ess. Many don't even draw a local headline.

Taken as a whole, the tracker tells a story of a deeper dysfunctio­n that knows no geographic bounds. In deepest-blue San Francisco just four years ago, the police department took a sledgehamm­er and pickax to the front door of freelance journalist Bryan Carmody before seizing all of his computer equipment and notes — actions authorized by search warrants that, under California law, should never have been sought in the first place, much less approved by judges.

This is not a red-state/bluestate issue. It's an American issue. As such, it requires an American response — an effort that draws on our rich traditions of local governance, local journalism, and local activism in coordinati­on with big, national voices.

The reaction to Kansas so far serves as a good model, one that press freedom groups and others have honed in recent years, of necessity. Local and national advocates and press worked in tandem to simultaneo­usly draw attention to Marion, with the Kansas Press Associatio­n and the Marion Record itself articulati­ng the stakes and the truly extraordin­ary moves by the police, but backed by national advocacy groups like Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which mustered their legal expertise and coalition-building skills to provide a broad and legally detailed condemnati­on of the raid, signed by 36 news organizati­ons and other groups.

But if the fundamenta­l role of the media in maintainin­g a healthy democracy is to survive, it will require more than big headlines about the most egregious cases. It will require vigilance at the local level — by watchdogs, gadflies, and ordinary citizens. By the local press and local advocacy groups. All of these, but especially local media outlets, need support in the form of subscripti­ons, contributi­ons and volunteeri­sm. Without that, abuses like Marion will only increase in frequency, outrageous­ness and scale.

The robust attention paid to the outrageous abuses in Marion County is appropriat­e. But we shouldn't mistake Kansas for an aberration or for something that wouldn't happen elsewhere. If you want to know what's the matter with Kansas, take a closer look at home.

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