The Mercury News

Trump praises Hungary's Orbán for being `the boss'

- By Michael Gold

Former President Donald Trump, who has for decades praised authoritar­ian leaders, on Friday night commended Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for being a “boss” unimpeded by political dissent.

Trump and Orbán met at Trump's private club and residence in Florida, Mara-Lago, and in a video posted to Orban's Instagram account on Saturday, Trump called Orbán “a noncontrov­ersial figure because he said `This is the way it's going to be,' and that's the end of it. He's the boss.”

In the video, Trump also tells a cheering crowd that “there's nobody that's better, smarter or a better leader than Viktor Orbán.”

A right-wing nationalis­t closely aligned with many of Trump's populist conservati­ve supporters, Orbán has drawn intense criticism in Europe, where he has recently sparred with foreign leaders over the war in Ukraine.

His detractors have accused Orbán of being an autocrat who has chipped away at democratic institutio­ns and values and has led Hungary on a path toward authoritar­ianism. And Orbán has made remarks that have drawn comparison­s to antisemiti­c Nazi rhetoric.

Still, Trump often commends Orbán during television interviews and campaign rallies. He often will cite Orbán's praise as proof that he should be restored to the White House in 2024.

On Saturday, Trump — who during his third presidenti­al campaign has repeatedly lauded leaders with a propensity for chipping away at democratic norms — again praised Orbán, pointing to his antiimmigr­ation views.

“Viktor is a Great Leader, respected all over the World,” Trump wrote on his social media site, Truth Social. “Hungary is a Safe Country because of his Strong Immigratio­n Policies, and as long as he is in charge, it always will be!”

Trump frequently has praised Orbán at rallies and in speeches since leaving the White House. Their meeting in Florida reflected the extent to which Trump views himself as a president in exile.

Trump and Orbán are particular­ly aligned on their skeptical views on immigratio­n, an issue they both have harnessed during their political rise.

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