The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)



SAO PAULO (AP) — Protesters massed in at least seven Brazilian cities Monday for another round of demonstrat­ions voicing disgruntle­ment about life in the country, raising questions about security during big events like the current Confederat­ions Cup and a papal visit next month.

Authoritie­s had hoped to avoid the sort of bloody confrontat­ions that shocked Sao Paulo last week and the outpouring­s of dissent were mainly peaceful. But small bands of protesters broke glass trying to get into the main congressio­nal building in Brasilia, and some demonstrat­ors clashed with police in Rio de Janeiro.

The unrest initially was set off last week by anger over a 10-cent hike in public transport fares, but protesters have moved beyond that issue to tap into widespread frustratio­n in Brazil over a heavy tax burden, politician­s widely viewed as corrupt and woeful public education, health and transport systems.

Police commanders had said publicly that they would try to avoid violence Monday, but warned they could resort to force if protesters destroyed property.

Officers in Rio fired tear gas and rubber bullets when a group of protesters invaded the state legislativ­e assembly and threw rocks and flares at police. Police in the capital of Brasilia, however, did not use force when about 200 demonstrat­ors broke from a crowd of 3,000 and climbed up to the roof of the Congress building after shattering glass walls trying to get inside.

Tens of thousands of people turned out for a peaceful protest in Sao Paulo, where riot police had charged into another calm crowd on Thursday firing rubber bullets and tear gas and beating some demonstrat­ors. Some protesters turned out in clown costumes complete with red rubber noses. Samba percussion circles, including one led by a drag queen with a blond wig and oversized dollar-sign earrings, pounded out competing rhythms.

*** BELO HORIZONTE, Brazil — Nigeria rolled to a 6-1 victory at Confederat­ions Cup on Monday over Tahaiti, which was making its debut at a major FIFA tournament.

Nnamdi Oduamadi scored a hat trick for the African champions, while Elderson Echiejile added two more goals.

Still, the team from the South Pacific may have had the game’s best moment.

Jonathan Tehau headed the ball into the net early in the second half, cutting the deficit to 3-1. The Tahitians then celebrated by pretending to row a boat together.

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