The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

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For those who can read this in English the Constituti­on for human rights has to do with legal citizens. You can’t just come here and demand everything that we legal citizens have, and for those who disagree with me, that’s tough. You can care for people, there’s nothing wrong with that, but giving them the things that we have as legal citizens isn’t right.

Just Saying

I’ve been a Republican all my life as well as my family and no way will I ever vote for those three that I watch on those debates. That Trump is the worst man. Whoever endorsed him to be president of the United States? If he becomes president we are doomed. I’ll never vote Republican again.

I live in Birdsboro and I support the Philadelph­ia Eagles. I live in Pennsylvan­ia and I support America. During football season I don’t cheer for the Cowboys, Patriots or any other team. Just like during the Olympics I don’t cheer for Russia, North Korea or any other country. Think about it. Home Is Where The Heart


So Chris Christie being the political opportunis­t that he is now does an about face and endorses Donald Trump, the guy who he previously deemed unworthy of the office in the White House. Of course Christie just wants to be a running mate for vice president or to get a cabinet position. By Endorsing Trump Christie joins an elite group that includes Vladimir Putin, Sarah Palin, the American Neo-Nazi Party and the KKK. Does anyone really want this guy with access to the nuclear codes?

Larry from Rofo

Hey Gus, I don’t have the power to canonize nor does anyone else on earth. That power belongs to the Almighty. The pope speaks on matters of faith and morals only. Anything else is opinion and only shows his leftist upbringing living under the influence of Peron’s Argentina. Where are the questions about Islamic genocide of Christians?

Info Depot

I agree with Go Birds. Being born and raised and living in this area for 63 years I get absolutely no satisfacti­on whatsoever claiming some other sports team in another sports city in another state as my team. Apparently many people agree. I don’t recall a Denver Broncos parade going down Broad Street in Philly after the Super Bowl.


Whether or not you like Donald Trump he is the first one running for president who stated that if Carrier Corp. moves to Mexico he will tax each one of their products coming into the United States $35 in an effort to keep the plant in the United States. He’s also the first one to say that the national debt could be lowered by 2 to 3 percent reduction in all budgets. No more shrimp on a treadmill.

Does anybody know why the price of gas went up 10 cents overnight? I’m guessing it’s Gov. Wolf and Harrisburg.


This is for the person who said Hillary Clinton can’t tell the truth. Well Christine Whitman, ex-governor of New Jersey, she’s going to vote for Hillary. There’s one smart Republican. She told the truth.

There is no need for an apology from Pottstown School Boardmembe­r Kurt Heidel. His analogy that school teachers are merely a piece of furniture was excellent. Loved it. Basically dead wood. As I said we loved it.

This is concerning Comcast. I went to watch CMT yesterday and it’s no longer available to me. I lose the sound on my television, sometimes I lose the picture and they have the nerve to increase their bill. I think it’s time someone else comes into this area besides Comcast. All I can say is bye bye Comcast, hello DISH.

Looking back, February was a fantastic month with Groundhog day, Super Bowl day, Valentine’s Day, Presidents’ Day, blizzard day, and now the most special of days, the leap year day. Just putting a new perspectiv­e on it.


Watching TV, all these people running for president don’t seem to show me much. All they do is name-calling, trash talking about each other, etc. This sounds to me like a bunch of elementary school kids arguing on the playground. It doesn’t seem to me that any one of them are presidenti­al material. We need a president that is going to do something good for our presently lousy government, not someone that’s good at calling people names and telling them how terrible they are.


People in the East End, please keep your cats indoors. I feed the birds and the cats make my yard their hunting grounds. I have a cat and I keep him inside. Spring is coming and nesting time will be here also. We should protect our birds.

Jim Fitch’s overindulg­ence in old age metaphor is not only disgusting, it’s discrimina­ting. Wise up sir.

Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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