The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

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Regarding Dave Clark’s Readers’ View, I know that Hillary Clinton is the far more dangerous candidate. She’s the one who wants to have open borders, markedly increase the number of poorly vetted refugees who come here and tie the hands of the police and, most importantl­y of all, weaken our rights under the Constituti­on by appointing ultra-liberal judges. She is a double threat, dangerous and corrupt.

Maybe one of the intelligen­t people who read these comments can explain to me the difference between Hillary Clinton and Martha Stewart, between Black Lives Matter and the KKK, between a protest and an arsonist and a burglar or better yet why does a shirt made in Vietnam or one of the other foreign countries cost the same as a shirt made in the United States?

If Kathleen Kane was a Republican male, this trial would never have surfaced. It would’ve been all pushed under the rug.

As a retired educator I care deeply about a candidate’s influence on our children. Secretary Clinton has been a lifelong fighter for children’s issues including her successful work to provide health coverage to millions of children through the CHIP program. Donald Trump has also influenced our children. By his example he is teaching them the name calling and mocking tactics of how to be a school yard bully. Want A Doer, Not A Spewer

Recently Fact Checker questioned the validity of my Sound Off concerning the misappropr­iation of funds from the Clinton Foundation also known as the family checking account. I tried to accommodat­e Mr. Checker but following Hillary’s lead, when questioned my source failed to comment. Martha

Make America great again Mr. Trump? You can start by employing Americans to work in your hotel, employing people in America to make your furniture, your suits, your ties. Reach out to Americans who don’t look like you and take a good hard look at the Summer Olympics. You may learn something Mr. Trump, yes, how great this country really is. KM

U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts wrote a column about how Russia is listening in on citizens’ phone calls, recording them and storing them. Does this scenario sound familiar to anyone? It should, our U.S. government is doing the same thing. It was a secret until a whistleblo­wer revealed it. Nowhere in his column did he mention this. Could be because he’s part of it. Pitts is retiring. Not soon enough.

Unfortunat­ely we’re watching this political spectacle continue for president. Granted Donald Trump may not say things always correct but would you really want to have Hillary with all she’s been involved in since the days of her husband President Bill Clinton and now the Obama administra­tion to have a crack at the White House? You’ve got to be kidding.

When you vote in November you’ll be voting for a party, not a person. Do you want large government and high taxes or smaller government and lower taxes? If you don’t understand this truth, just vote for the person of your choice. Informed

This is my favorite, “Oh he or she was such a good boy or girl.” Then what was he or she doing on the streets between midnight and 5 in the morning and half of the time with a gun waving at police? Don’t give me that stuff that they were a good person. You were just a lousy parent. Face up to it. Beast

It sure would be nice if Commonweal­th of Pennsylvan­ia management employees could finally get their raises.

President Obama ended the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. He saved the American auto industry and extended health care to millions of Americans. He put two capable and progressiv­e women on the Supreme Court. He cut the annual deficit by $1 trillion. And he did so in the face of unpreceden­ted partisansh­ip and obstructio­n from Republican­s who have now lost their minds and nominated Donald Trump. History will judge them harshly. A Concerned Senior Citizen

Have you seen the show on PBS about how our national parks were saved in the open space about 100 or so years ago by President Teddy Roosevelt? Thank God he had the intelligen­ce to see that this great open space would never be replaced and once it was gone it would be gone, also the wildlife that was there. I wish some of our local commission­ers would have the same dedication to try and preserve some open space before it’s all gone. They only make land once. When It’s Gone, It’s Gone

If Republican­s can lie America into a war, does anyone really think they won’t try to lie Americans out of their Medicare and Social Security?

It was so hot this past week that I went to see some former friends just to get the cold shoulder and the icy stare. Jim Fitch

Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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