The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

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- Another Concerned Citizen

To all senior citizens, their friends and relatives, make sure you call your representa­tives in Harrisburg and tell them to vote. The vote will go elsewhere unless they get busy and have a bill of relief on property taxes for senior citizens. Let them know. Speak out, speak up. You are seniors. You deserve a break. A Senior

What a bargain only $10 million to build an extension for fitness and performing arts centers at the Spring-Ford High School and not all students will be able to take advantage of it. Where will the money come from? The more than two dozen that lined up to support it? I don’t think so. The taxpayers. They do not have needs for themselves like food or saving their homes. When will these people learn that the well is dry? No new taxes.

Any organizati­on that only gives 10 percent of its donations to charity should not be considered a charity. That’s a business not a charity. The Clinton Foundation and their pay-for-play scheme pays their daughter Chelsea in excess of $700,000 a year just to be on the board for a few hours a month. Dr. Jimbo

This is to the person who talked about Mr. Beast and about interest rates and how much you make. Go to see a financial planner which most intelligen­t people do if they have any kind of money like Donald Trump or people like that and myself, which I’m not a millionair­e, but I’m making 7 percent interest on annuities. Maybe you should look into that instead of griping.

Besides being a hot head in his playing days, I always thought John McEnroe was simple but seeing him in that new Verizon FIOS commercial only confirms the simple. What people will do for a buck.

Trump or Hillary. Oh my God, two of the worst choices you could ever get.

More people in this country are either unemployed or under employed. The unemployed are not counted any longer because they just gave up and stopped looking for good quality jobs. The quality of jobs has been erased through overseas purchases of products by these large companies. There’s only one man that can bring jobs back to America, that is Donald Trump.

Trump changing his mind on immigratio­n. What next? Not opening the coal mines or steel mills again?

All of the protesters in Charlotte, North Carolina, didn’t have their faces covered. I saw white faces and many black faces and by the way many veterans are a part of the protest. If you are still concerned, stand up for justice for all Americans, not just some.

This is to A Concerned Citizen. You are concerned about people’s faces in North Carolina being covered because they might have warrants for their arrest. Wouldn’t you ask the same question for the KKK when they have masks covering their face? They may also have warrants out for their arrest. So now who has the last laugh?

To everyone who loves merry-go-rounds, when it opens, please enjoy the Pottstown Carousel whenever you can without worrying that your tax money is being used towards it. The money comes from donors who all want to see the beautiful carousel supported.

I see girls and boys from the schools I guess running cross country on the sidewalks and streets. As smart as our school districts are, they spend tons and tons of money on new gyms and new fields and all that stuff, why can’t they have something like glowing vests and such so we can see them? All they have on are team shirts and such. The way people drive today I think it should be mandatory that they have something on as bright as possible. Just A Suggestion

About the cell phones you no longer want, the Center at Spring Street in Boyertown will gladly take them. Their phone is 610327-2313.

You teenagers that walked by my house on Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. and stole my Trump sign and “We support the police” sign, my neighbor saw who you were. We have a descriptio­n of you. Bring my signs back or I’m going to the police and we’re going to keep an eye out for you. Return the signs in North Coventry Township. You know who you are.

To all the Trump voters, I hope you have children of military age despite all the wars he is going to start.

Hillary Clinton, definitely part of the problem. Most definitely not part of the solution.

I saw it on the news that voters think Hillary won the presidenti­al debate. That’s not what I saw on my TV. I think Donald Trump handed her her hat. We need something other than lifelong politician­s like we’ve been having. Please vote for Trump.

Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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