The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

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- Here We Go Again

I wish everyone would read Chris Freind’s commentary in Saturday’s paper. Not only read it but digest it and follow his suggestion­s for being civil, responsibl­e, respectabl­e American citizens. Remember, united we stand, divided we fall.

Way to go PennDOT. You put a man in a machine on Route 422 to cut back weeds and you didn’t have anybody clean up the trash in front of him. Now you turned hundreds and hundreds of pieces of trash into thousands of pieces of trash. Route 422 is a disgrace. Sgt. Ed

Eleven people walked through security at JFK Airport without being screened. Three of the 11 walked through and set off the detector. Where was security? I thought Trump had everything secured. Apparently not. But they caught them when they got to their destinatio­n, they searched them. Give me a break. What a joker.

A blatantly biased press is worse than the people that want to silence it. I have no reason to trust them.

You protesters out there, it’s just called bullying and you forget we Christians are praying for President Trump. If you don’t like our country why don’t you move out?

The weather is beautiful and supposed to be super for the next week but I would like to remind you when spring comes and there are no blossoms because they froze, your food prices are going to skyrocket. I have flowers blooming. We’re still going to get freezing weather. It will destroy all the blossoms that we have. You better pray.

If private schools of different types can take old school buildings and normally use them effectivel­y in teaching children, why do so many public schools think they need to have much more expensive buildings in order to teach effectivel­y? Aren’t the more effective teachers the ones who can interact and communicat­e with students whether they are in an old building or a new school building?

A few of us homeowners that are left in Pottstown got some good news the other week. The school board now has enough money for the lights for the field. Our quality of life is now going to be increased. I sure hope the school board now looks at why we have one of the highest taxed school districts in the state. We’re being taxed out of our houses. They are all becoming investment properties. But we’ll have to hire a high-ended superinten­dent to straighten everything out.

Looks to me like the Republican Party is flounderin­g and in complete disarray, not the Democrats. You must not be watching the news or maybe you are watching Fox News and their alternativ­e facts.

I heard we now spend more money on Viagra and breast implants than we do on Alzheimer’s research. By 2040 we could have an aging population with youthful body parts and no idea what to do with them. Jim Fitch

If my daughter had made threats against the White House like Madonna did she would be arrested. I feel Madonna should be put on the first bus and sent right out of town and never be allowed to enter again. She doesn’t appreciate her country.

All the urbanites that are protesting in New York, D.C., Chicago and LA need to realize the rest of America doesn’t care what they think.

The Republican­s held 33 hearings on Benghazi yet the Republican­s so far have not held a hearing on Russia’s effort to hijack our election. That’s deceitful. A Concerned Senior Citizen

If the White House is running like a fine-tuned machine they wouldn’t need Pence flying around the world trying to convince our allies that it is not in turmoil and disarray. If I had a fine-tuned machine like that I’d take it to the scrap yard.

I watched the movie from 1945 Called “Pride of the Marines.” I was touched by the movie and how cowardly and unapprecia­tive some of us in Sound Off are. God and this country have been together since the beginning. I feel that God and our Founders built this country with it’s foundation as a gentile Jerusalem with different types of Christian people and it’s ours to mess up or honor.

I was in the Pottstown hospital on Feb. 17. I had fallen and while I was in there they took my sugar and tested it and it was pretty high and I’ll tell you what, the nurses, doctors and the aides were excellent. I want to thank each and every one of them from the bottom of my heart. Mary H.

A lot of negative comments are being made about our President Trump in Sound Off. I wonder if more or less would be made if Mrs. Clinton was the POTUS. Any comments? Sanatoga Sam Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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