The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

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For a middle school administra­tor to state that there is no significan­t increase in the reported discipline incidents, either someone is trying to cover up the problems or maybe some people don’t know what is happening in their own school. Many different sources within the middle school have stated that some classrooms and bathrooms are being trashed almost daily and the lunch periods are extremely chaotic. Straighten out the problems or find someone who can. Quit Wasting My Tax Dollars

I would just like to say thank you so much to Rachel Maddow and her failing MSNBC show. She has done more than anyone else in the media to prove what I said about biased lying, make up the news, failing media. Tea Party

Let all us loving and compassion­ate people get together to help the homeless. We have to start raising money, maybe a nice bank can help. Jesus said that how we treat the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger and the prisoner reflects our relationsh­ip to Him. Who would’ve dreamed that when someone insults us but when we help or hurt another the one who loves us takes it personally? Let us all love the Lord and one another as He has asked us to do and you will be blessed. Grandmom

I do not dodge questions but the one directed to me recently was made to trumpet the caller’s agenda and my first thought was to not reply. No I could not save and adopt thousands of preborn children from the abortionis­t’s knife but I have and will do my best. Our Lord has said “I will not show you the road ahead but I will thoroughly equip you for the journey.” Martha

I see the banana environmen­talists are at it again about the pipelines. They are a lot safer than trucking oil or gas over land.

This is in response about the pothead drivers. Evidently you haven’t been on Route 422 lately. Most of those people are on crack going 80 mph, no regards to human life. If they were smoking pot they would be going 40 mph eating chips and pretzels, living life, so I’ve been told. Other than that, have a good day. Big John, North Coventry

Christians and Muslims should each mind their own business and stay in their own territorie­s. Stop interferin­g with each other’s religions. Behave yourself.

Has anybody heard anything about Monica Crowley from Fox News? I’ve heard she was going to go to Washington. Is she there or did she get drained with the swamp people?

For the person asking who’s responsibl­e for replacing bulbs in street lights, according to Mark Furlong that would be former president Barack Obama.

When the teacher asked me to name three famous Irishmen my response was Patti O’Grady, Patti O’Malley and Patti O’Furniture.

This is to the ghost writer who wants to know what Sen. Dinniman is thinking about the pipeline and the pension reform. Why don’t you call and ask him yourself and get it right from the horse’s mouth? You might be surprised what you get. Jay Miller

I would like to thank the two lovely ladies, their names are Angel and Helen, who stopped to help me when I was in a car accident last Tuesday in Douglassvi­lle. You both were my angels that day. Thank you so much and I am very grateful for your kindness.

I’m calling in regards to snow removal in Phoenixvil­le. It’s terrible. When I was a kid the men that worked for the borough did manual shoveling and they cleaned the whole town and it looked like snow didn’t even fall in town. The avenues were evenly cleaned. Today the streets are a mess especially the avenues. There is only room enough for one car. A Phoenixvil­le Resident

The Democrats wanted President Donald Trump’s taxes. You can stop it now. He disclosed his income and what he paid in taxes. You have no more reason to call Sound Off about it anymore.

To the parents in the Pottstown School District who try and work with administra­tion and teachers in disciplini­ng their children in school, my sincere thanks to you. To the rest of you parents, quit making excuses for your children’s disruptive behaviors and try to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

Is it true that they’re going to line the seniors up and shoot them? It all makes sense now. They are taking their homes from them that they worked all their lives for. I guess this would be the easiest solution. I’m keeping my guns.

So there are teens that have unprotecte­d sex but make sure they have cases on their phones for protection. Just let that fact sink in for a moment. Jim Fitch Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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