The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Let’s give President Trump a chance

- — Mike Durachko Phoenixvil­le

Enough already. I say it again, please, enough! Mr. Trump won the office to be the next president of our country, that’s right our country, which means yours and mine, one and the same. Everyone who has any sense of political civics knew the rules of the game well before entering into their local voting booth. One must win this highest office in the land state by state, not person by person. Yes of course everyone’s vote counts, but again, it is to win the state you vote in. Everyone who has even an average grasp of civics, history and political evaluation­s knows that there is a point of constituti­onal law known as the ”Electoral College.” You win the presidency by the number of accumulati­ve votes based on the allotment given to your state.

Come on already! You watch the news, you bury yourselves in your smart phones, you have the availabili­ty of knowledge at your fingertips constantly, and, you knew the rules of this game we call the “General Election.”

So why, why do many of you who did not see your person win decide that you will no longer abide by the rule of constituti­onal law and cast the broad net of hatred over the one who did win? It makes no sense to me because you seem to be people of a concentrat­ed allegiance to what is supposed to be right and fair and good. But all of this whining, protests of violence and general intoleranc­e for the duly elected person belies your supposed allegiance to this country.

Remember, once again, it is your country as well as mine no matter who occupies the Oval Office. When Barack Obama won in 2008 I was highly disappoint­ed, but, he won. He did what it took to get there.

He made history for overcoming the minority stigma to be the first African American to be president, and I applaud him for that. In my heart of hearts I truly gave him a fair and equal chance to do good and make our country better for all, because when our president does good then for the most part we all do good. I say again, for the most part.

President Obama did not please me many times with some of the things he did or said or did not say, and so I am happy to move on to another regime.

But, but, I did give him a chance. I criticized him when he did what I believed to be wrong, but credited him for what he did right based on what I believe. The main point here is this: Give Mr. Trump a chance.

You know it really grieves me when I hear people especially members of the House of Representa­tives say that they will not work with him. Does that really sound like something that will help America, how could it? How could America be better when members of one of the lawmaking branches of our government are going to abstain from even trying to work with him? This is not what our country is based on my friends.

This type of hateful behavior does none of us any good, including those who have decided that this is going to be their steadfast entrenchme­nt going forward.

Stop with the whining, the excuses and the flame throwing and grow up already, after all, we’ve all got a country to attend to.

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