The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Facebook rape stirs questions about witnessing crimes online

- By Michael Tarm

CHICAGO >> The case of a 15-year-old Chicago girl who authoritie­s say was raped while around 40 people watched on Facebook raises questions that have come up before in other attacks: What’s the obligation of bystanders who see a crime unfolding? And why do they not intervene?

None of those who watched the sexual assault involving five or six men or boys called police. The girl knows at least one of her attackers, and investigat­ors reported making good progress toward identifyin­g the others. A closer look at what laws in the United States say about people who witness crimes:


There is no all-encompassi­ng legal obligation in the United States that a bystander who sees an act of violence must intervene or call police. But there are exceptions to that idea, dubbed the no-duty rule. Many states have laws requiring interventi­on when the victim of an ongoing attack is a child. The relationsh­ip of the witness to the victim is also a factor in assessing criminal or civil liability: Bosses may have a duty to intervene on behalf of employees, teachers for students and spouses for spouses.

Other countries enshrine the principle that you must intervene into writing. The charter of human rights and freedoms in the Canadian province of Quebec says “every person must come to the aid of anyone whose life is in peril, either personally or calling for aid, by giving him the necessary and immediate physical assistance, unless it involves danger to himself or a third person, or he has another valid reason.”


The legal and ethical questions surroundin­g when and under what circumstan­ces someone must help date back to ancient times.

The biblical parable of the good Samaritan tells of a man who is beaten and robbed, then left wounded by the roadside. A Levite and a priest walk by, offering no assistance. A Samaritan eventually stops to care for the man. Some state laws that spell out witness obligation­s and liabilitie­s are called good Samaritan laws. They are also sometimes referred as duty-to-rescue laws and duty-to-report laws.

Among the best known recent instances of witness inaction happened in 1964, when Kitty Genovese was fatally

stabbed outside her New York City apartment. Reports at the time alleged that dozens of witnesses saw the attack or heard the young woman scream but did nothing. The slaying focused a national spotlight on the obligation­s of witnesses to a crime, although those initial accounts were later called into question.


Some states require some level of interventi­on, even if only a 911 call, including California and Wisconsin. In Texas, it is a Class A misdemeano­r not to immediatel­y report an offense in which someone could be seriously hurt or killed. Massachuse­tts law requires, among other things, that people who witness a crime have full knowledge that what they are seeing is a crime.


Few if any states have amended their laws to incorporat­e the phenomena of witnessing crimes online, explained Eugene Volokh, a law professor at UCLA who has studied the issue. In theory, he says, laws that apply to in-person witnesses could be applied to social media witnesses.

But a major complicati­ng factor is whether internet witnesses can accurately assess what they see on their screens.

“It’s even harder to determine if a crime is real or not,” he said. Most internet users are used to seeing odd or surreal depictions and manipulate­d videos.

Some state laws that make witnesses liable require that they were actually at the scene of the crime. That could not apply to someone watching from miles away.


Investigat­ors in the Chicago sex assault know the number of Facebook viewers because the count was posted with the video. To find out who they were, though, investigat­ors would have to subpoena Facebook and show proof of a direct link to the crime, police said. Jeffrey Urdangen, a professor at Northweste­rn University’s law school, said it is not illegal to watch such a video or to fail to report it to police.


Genovese’s death gave rise to the “Genovese syndrome,” which is now more widely known as “bystanders’ effect.” It’s the phenomenon described by psychologi­sts that the more people who are watching an attack or some perilous situation befall a victim, the less likely any one of them will intervene.

 ?? THE DAILY NEWS VIA AP, FILE ?? This undated file photo shows, Kitty Genovese. Genovese, a bar manager, was stabbed to death in March 1964 as she returned home to the Kew Gardens section of Queens, New York at 3:20 a.m. According to police dozens of people looked on but did nothing....
THE DAILY NEWS VIA AP, FILE This undated file photo shows, Kitty Genovese. Genovese, a bar manager, was stabbed to death in March 1964 as she returned home to the Kew Gardens section of Queens, New York at 3:20 a.m. According to police dozens of people looked on but did nothing....

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