The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

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Trump recently got approval for five plants in Mexico. Does that sound like a hypocrite to you? It does to me. When he says to bring jobs back to America he didn’t mean his business. It would hurt his profits. You can’t believe a thing he says. He has rallies where his supporters flock to and he lies to them. They love it.

President Trump told legislator­s the other day, “Vote for my bill or else.” Who does he think he is, God?

Does anyone know whatever became of the Corsair fighter plane that was in Penn Village, now Bright Hope, back in the late 40s, early 50s possibly till about the early 60s? Just curious where it went, if it was scrapped or whatever.

So sad to see that the West Pottsgrove pool will not be open for the 2017 season. Wish someone could donate money to prevent this from happening like the person who donated for the Pottstown lights on their high school field or maybe some organizati­on could think of a money-making idea like a Beef and Beer or whatever. Appreciate all Pete LaRosa does to help the situation.

Going back as far as Stallone’s first Rambo movie Hollywood has routinely depicted Americana on Canadian soil in the interest of enhancing its bottom line. In recent years these fellow patriots and arbiters of what is right and wrong with our country have been selling their assets and souls to China. Mark Furlong

Another woman was arrested for embezzling money out of a company or stealing it from a person who she works for. Whatever happens to all these other people? Do they actually serve jail time? Where are they? Are they out on bail, are they in prison? Maybe if the future criminals saw what happened to the past criminals they would stop the crime. Watching My Money

I think something is out of whack. Trump’s brilliant SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) nominee should be able to question Sen. Feinstein, comedian Franken and other crying Democrats to expose their ignorance. Gorsuch would, as he is currently doing, eat them up. The Dems who are in complete disarray need to get over it. He will be the next Supreme Court Justice.

DP, I never said I watch only Fox News. I do occasional­ly watch CNN and MSNBC just so I know what lies the other side is telling. And as far as Hillary’s tax returns go, no I wouldn’t care if she didn’t release them. Tax returns are private. We do not have the right to see someone else’s tax returns unless they agree to release it and show it to us. Tea Party

I just have a comment to the person who called in about the good idea of having a pot farm and a turkey farm near each other and ending up with smoked turkey. That is one of the funniest and best clean jokes I’ve heard in many many months or years. Thanks again. Keep us laughing.

As a 1950 boomer and growing up in the 1950s and 60s if you were collecting anything from the government it was always considered tabu, nobody wanted to do that. Today it’s worn as a badge of honor how much you can get from the government that somebody else has to pay for. The country is going broke as Wednesday’s editorial from The Denver Post says. When’s this going to end? I don’t know but I’m telling you, this train is going to jump off the tracks.

This comment is for all the Obama/Clinton lovers in Sound Off. Last year the Pennsylvan­ia legislatur­e, specifical­ly the Senate, voted to pass property tax reform which resulted in a 24 to 24 tie. Two members of the Senate were not present. The tie was broken by Lt. Gov. Mike Stack who is a Democrat. He voted no on property tax reform. We need to look no further on which legislator­s are in the teachers’ back pocket. Look it up. Stop complainin­g.

For Jay Miller, DP and Hawaiian Punch Party, before you keep blasting President Trump and everything that he’s doing, why don’t you just look in your own backyard? In Philly, that fine upstanding District Attorney Seth Williams just got hit with a 23 count indictment for bribery and corruption. They are the best in Philly. What do you say about that? But I’m sure it’s just a trumped up charge by Republican­s trying to put down any decent Democrat. Al

When the administra­tion that’s in the White House now gets impeached and is gone, Sean Spicer won’t have any problem finding a job. He can be one of the best cruise ship captains in the world because he definitely shows that he’s going down with the ship.

Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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