The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

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- Mike M. DP Yankee Doodle Dandy Jim Fitch Gene

This is to the person who says that it’s OK to have a puppy in the shopping cart. You never mentioned about the puppy rubbing its butt inside the shopping cart. I sure wouldn’t want to put my groceries next to where its butt was. Pretty unsanitary, all the parasites beside.

For all those coming to Phoenixvil­le for the rally to support illegal aliens coming into the United States, please bring all the Democrats and stop and fill out an adoption form to take care of their support at your house for food, clothing and room and board and of course your Obamacare for them out of the rest of your paychecks, not from the rest of the senior citizens.

What would be the procedure for medical marijuana in Pennsylvan­ia? Will your doctor who knows you best prescribe the medical marijuana or will you Skype for 40 seconds with a doctor you don’t know and pay a fee? Just wondering.

Did they really need to make the speed limit on Industrial Highway 25 mph? Hopefully they will use the money to fill in some of the potholes in this town.

To the person who reminded Jay Miller that Donald got 10 to 15 corporatio­ns to bring back jobs to America, you should read or follow the news. These deals were made before the election took place. Just the same old cover up for our lying president. What story is he going to bring up next to try and slow down the investigat­ion of his administra­tion with Russia? Just a good old boy.

At least 44 sponsors have dropped from Fox News so far because Bill O’Reilly paid $13 million to settle sexual assault charges. Guess who has come to his defense? Donald Trump of all people said Bill O’Reilly is a good person and should not have settled. Since when does the president of the United States get involved in civil matters? Fox, O’Reilly and Trump deserve each other.

It takes a lot of nerve to sign a bill that would allow a chemical manufactur­er to gain billions of dollars producing a deadly pesticide banned by President Obama. To add to the madness your president presented the signing pen to the CEO of Dow Chemical. We look more and more like Russia. Deeply alarming.

All the United States does is get into the other country’s problems. We send them money, we send our people over there. It’s time that other countries start taking care of themselves and America starts taking care of America. President Trump finally realized that. Let the other countries deal with their own problems, not always run to us for help. Start putting money back into America and build America great.

I’ve been driving on Industrial Highway for over 30 years and I just realized that the speed limit is now 25. I just wondered if anybody knows why they lowered the speed limit to 25 and why there was no warning to let you know that there’s a new speed limit?

Donald Trump is standing up for Bill O’Reilly. Isn’t that like Genghis Khan standing up for Attila the Hun?

Thank you to Giant for the beautiful booklet with coupons and recipes. I’ve already cut them all out and I’m going to be using them and I’m going to try the recipes.

Susan Rice is guilty and Bill O’Reilly is innocent. Why? Because Donald Trump says so. That’s all the proof you need.

The road going back to Firestone Boulevard was called Armand Hammer Boulevard before it became Firestone Boulevard.

I see our so-called President Trump did it again. The investigat­ion into the Trump administra­tion and ties with Russia are starting to get more informatio­n so Donald has to bring up something to try and change investigat­ions to something else. Now it’s Susan Rice. He has no proof of anything but the Republican Senate will try to get the investigat­ion started to take off the pressure. I can’t believe that some people really think he’s good for America.

They say if it’s raining in Sweden you’re supposed to have your wipers and headlights on. How am I supposed to know if it’s raining in Sweden?

This is in response to just rendering an opinion. The Boyertown educators did not come up with the term “transgende­r.” It’s been around for years.

Contrary to popular belief flashlight­s are just tubular containers kept in the drawer for the purpose of storing dead batteries.

I was contemplat­ing a pet dog. The only thing stopping me is that I’m afraid of going deaf. I have neighbors that have dogs that bark continuous­ly, the only reason I can think of is that the owners must be deaf. Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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