The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Budget proposal weakens our defense against disease

- Cokie and Steve Roberts Columnists

Mitch McConnell can count. The Senate majority leader has 52 Republican­s and needs 60 votes to break a filibuster. So when Congress returns from its Easter recess, Democrats will “have to play a major role” in the chamber’s deliberati­ons, he told The Washington Post.

Democrats can use that leverage in many ways, but here’s a suggestion: Alter President Trump’s seriously misguided priorities that endanger the country’s health security.

Trump’s proposed budget would allocate vast sums to bolstering the military (a $54 billion increase) and building a wall on the Mexican border ($15 billion) while slashing programs that are vital to the nation’s welfare. No cuts would be more damaging than the president’s assault on two invaluable agencies: the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Fortunatel­y, some Republican­s understand the president’s foolishnes­s, including Rep. Tom Cole of Oklahoma, chairman of the appropriat­ions subcommitt­ee that funds those agencies. He called them “the front lines of defense for the American people for some pretty awful things,” adding:

“If the idea of a government is to protect the United States and its people, then these people contribute as much as another wing of an F-35 (fighter jet) and actually do more to save tens of thousands of lives.”

Saving lives is not just a moral issue, it’s an economic one. Money invested now — in promoting basic research, protecting against infectious diseases, providing vaccinatio­ns, denouncing smoking — saves enormous amounts later.

The Trump budget slashes investment­s in health security instead of increasing them. The president’s priorities are not only a textbook example of “penny wise and pound foolish,” but they also reflect a deeply damaging mindset: a profound disdain for all the profession­als who measure and describe a world that does not square with the president’s prejudices.

Take the NIH, the largest biomedical research institutio­n in the world, which enjoyed bipartisan support during the Obama administra­tion. Trump would cut $5.8 billion, or 20 percent of its total budget. And the idea voiced by many conservati­ves, that private enterprise would pick up the slack, is simply wrong.

Under Trump’s budget, the Department of Health and Human Services, which includes the CDC, would lose 18 percent of its funding. And another program that supports the CDC’s preventive health efforts would be eliminated entirely.

That would mean more kids who don’t get vaccinated, more smokers who don’t quit, more drivers who don’t wear seat belts. And it would mean far greater vulnerabil­ity to global health threats like Ebola, Zika and influenza. As the Post reports: “Diseases travel fast and don’t recognize borders. In today’s connected world, a disease can be transporte­d from a rural village to any major city within 36 hours.”

Cole says it best: “What the CDC does is probably more important to the average American than, in a sense, the Defense Department. You’re much more likely to be killed in a pandemic than you are in a terrorist attack, so you need to look at it that way. Those investment­s are extraordin­arily important for the protection of the country.”

That’ why Democrats have to use their influence to protect those investment­s from the Trumpian tide. His budget priorities would make the country weaker, not stronger. They would endanger all Americans, including those who voted for him. And they must be changed.

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