The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Rememberin­g the true meaning of Easter


Once again, we’ve entered the Easter season when Christians turn their thoughts to the crucifixio­n of Christ. I got to wondering where was the origin of such a horrific practice?

Doing a little research I found it began in ancient Persia — Iran as we know it today. It was brought to Greece and Rome by Alexander the Great.

Crucifixio­n had become a well-known method of execution at the time of Christ.

Sadly, this form of torturous death is carried out today by radical Islam in some of the Middle East countries. It’s shocking but true that such barbarity goes on against Christians and the world turns a blind eye.

It was not a common practice to combine scourging with crucifixio­n.

Pilate’s intention, I’m sure, was just to scourge. After all, he said he could find no fault in Him. However, the religious and political leaders were loud and cried out for Barabbas, a murderer, to be released and Christ crucified.

Unfortunat­ely, too many today have no idea what Easter is all about. They think it’s candy, flowers and maybe a new outfit.

They only hear or use the name of Christ as a swear word. All other founders of the religions of the world are in the grave.

But not Jesus. He said He’d lay down His life for us to pay for our sins and on the third day, He’d rise from the dead. And He did — so that we may have eternal life if ... if we put trust on Him (John 3:16).

One of my favorite verses is “Because I live, ye shall live also” (John 14:19). Praise God! What a precious promise for the believer, not only this season, but always.

— JoAnn Sands Boyertown

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