The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

About that mortgage deduction ...


Attempting comprehens­ive tax reform is like trying to tug many bones from the clamped jaws of many mastiffs. Every provision of the code — now approachin­g 4 million words — was put there to placate a clamorous faction, or to create a grateful group that will fund its congressio­nal defenders.

Consider just one tax change that should be made and certainly will not be.

The deductibil­ity of mortgage interest payments, by which the government will forgo collecting nearly $1 trillion in the next decade, is treated as a categorica­l imperative graven on the heart of humanity by the finger of God because it is a pleasure enjoyed primarily by the wealthy.

Ike Brannon, of the Cato Institute and Capital Policy Analytics in Washington, argues that, given America’s homeowners­hip rate of about 62 percent, not even half of all homeowners use the deduction.

Its principal beneficiar­ies are affluent (also attentive and argumentat­ive) homeowners, and its benefits, as Brannon says, “scale up” regressive­ly: The larger the mortgage and the higher the tax bracket, the more valuable the deduction is.

Perhaps the deduction’s net effect is a higher rate of homeowners­hip, which can benefit society by encouragin­g respect for property rights, the thrift necessary for a substantia­l investment, and a sense of having a stake in the community.

But the unpleasant­ness of 2008 demonstrat­ed the downside of encouragin­g too much homeowners­hip.

Homeowners­hip is, Brannon argues, a way for people to hold their wealth; it is not an investment because “it does not improve the productive capacity of the economy.” Indeed, the more money that flows into housing, the less flows into stocks, bonds or banks.

Government policy is like a Calder mobile — touch something here and things jiggle over there. For example, the president has acted to discourage the use of Canadian wood when making planks for the rising edifice of American greatness.

A 20 percent tariff on softwood imports from Canada — about 30 percent of the softwood lumber used in U.S. residentia­l housing constructi­on — is retaliatio­n for Canada’s government supposedly charging Canadian lumber interests too little for trees harvested in government forests.

The tariff will raise the price of flooring and siding and therefore of houses.

Dismayed U.S. homebuilde­rs foresee a 6.4 percent increase; U.S. lumber interests say that is an exaggerati­on.

Even allowing for theatrical­ity on both sides, lumber protection­ism will certainly deepen two problems: Because the mortgage interest deduction enables higher housing prices, Americans will continue to pour too much wealth into housing. And inequality will be exacerbate­d. Homeowners­hip is crucial to the accumulati­on of wealth.

But as social scientist Joel Kotkin writes, millennial­s are caught in a pincer of low incomes — the Census Bureau estimates that even those with a full-time job earn $2,000 less in real dollars than the same age cohort did in 1980 — and high housing prices. Kotkin says “homeowners­hip rates for people under 35 have dropped 21 percent” since 2004.

And there is this: The percentage of persons ages 25 to 34 who have never been married has risen from 12 in 1960 to 47 today. There are cultural as well as economic reasons for this delay in two powerful economic multiplier­s — family formation and house-buying — but certainly, the rising cost of housing is a factor. This is just one of the unseen costs of protection­ism’s seen benefit of a small number of domestic jobs protected.

Eliminatio­n of the mortgage interest deduction would have to be grandfathe­red to accommodat­e those who budgeted for their home purchases with the deduction in mind.

Even so, it will not happen. Neither will limiting the deduction by denying it to a tiny top sliver of the largest mortgages — say, portions of mortgages over $500,000. People are loss-averse — they resist surrenderi­ng any benefit, even if they would reap bigger benefits from increased economic growth that would result from a more sensible allocation of society’s resources.

And the political class is riskaverse, unwilling to challenge the affluent, or 1 million organized Realtors. The sound you hear is of mastiffs growling.

 ??  ?? George Will Columnist
George Will Columnist

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