The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Lawmakers up to late night shenanigan­s

The public firestorm that erupted after Pennsylvan­ia lawmakers granted themselves a big middle-of-the-night pay raise in July 2005 seemed to ensure that, thereafter, important votes would be conducted only during the light of day.

- — Altoona Mirror, The Associated Press

Under cover of darkness, the Pennsylvan­ia House has passed a bill expanding casino gambling.

But now, just shy of the 12th anniversar­y of that infamous pay-raise vote that ended up costing more than 50 lawmakers their legislativ­e careers, the state House of Representa­tives chose to ignore the lesson from a dozen years ago.

House lawmakers, by a vote of 102-89, used June 7’s evening darkness as cover for approving what’s been described as a sprawling expansion not only of casinostyl­e gambling, but the Pennsylvan­ia Lottery as well.

Perhaps last week’s vote won’t evoke the strong voter backlash witnessed a dozen years ago in response to lawmakers’ greedy move to enrich themselves.

However, state residents of today shouldn’t be happy that the 675-page gambling expansion bill was voted upon only hours after it was made public — and about the fact that, prior to the vote, House members hadn’t even been given adequate time to read and digest the legislatio­n’s provisions.

Even with the June 30 deadline for 2017-18 state budget passage moving ever closer, House lawmakers should have refused to vote until they had adequate time to read and consider the proposal.

The Senate must not imitate the House’s nighttime action, and the upper chamber must not fail to gather public comment, which the House neglected to do. The House didn’t even make time for official comment from the Pennsylvan­ia Gaming Control Board.

In its current form, as passed by the House, the bill contains many potential concerns that demand extensive evaluation and study, a fact alluded to by House Gaming Oversight Committee Chairman Scott Petri, R-Bucks, who called the gambling measure “a complicate­d, convoluted regulatory scheme that we have no idea whether it’ll be effective.”

That observatio­n pushes against the House’s opinion that revenue from expanded gambling is vital to state budget preparatio­n currently underway.

House members need to face up to the fact — and admit to their constituen­ts — that there’s no way that the proposed expansion of gaming will make a significan­t enough dent in the state’s alleged $3 billion fiscal shortfall to consider it a fiscal savior.

Meanwhile, it’s clear that lawmakers haven’t given enough considerat­ion to the potential human toll of creating more problem gamblers.

“There is a lot of good in this bill for everyone,” proclaimed Rep. Mike Sturla, D-Lancaster, apparently also referring to new or expanded compulsive-gambling-prevention programs included in the legislatio­n.

But it’ll be more difficult to curb gambling addiction if the huge gambling expansion — gambling temptation — that’s proposed comes to pass.

“We’re trying to jam something through quickly, and we’re trying to get it in under cover of night,” Petri said.

Even though last week’s nighttime action might not be considered as brazen as 2005’s pay-raise vote, it was, neverthele­ss, another indicator of the legislativ­e dysfunctio­n and fiscal irresponsi­bility that rule the commonweal­th.

Pennsylvan­ia needs wellthough­t-out, workable, longterm answers regarding its decade-long money crisis — answers not built on a foundation of gambling.

Gambling expansion should be a daytime last resort, not a nighttime escape hatch from difficult decisions that are long overdue.

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