The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Another Middle East fissure

- Adam Goldin is a Philadelph­ia-based economist with master’s degrees in both economics and internatio­nal affairs. He resides in Chester County. Email: adam.goldin@

As if the Middle East didn’t have enough to contend with, a new regional fissure is developing that could lead to yet another war. The fuse that detonates this explosive is the Iraqi Kurds’ recent referendum for independen­ce.

Following the first Gulf War in 1991, the U.S. enforced a nofly zone over the Iraqi Kurds’ enclave in northeaste­rn Iraq to protect them from Saddam Hussein’s murderous regime.

This protection afforded the Iraqi Kurds a large dose of autonomy.

However, after the overthrow and capture of Saddam Hussein, the Kurd’s longstandi­ng wish for an independen­t nation seemed, if not probable, at least feasible.

Significan­t hurdles remained, not least of which was stiff opposition from the U.S. and every major power in the region. In fact, all the major players supported a unified Iraq.

But for the first time in decades, independen­ce appeared within reach.

Immediatel­y following the overthrow of Hussein’s regime, Iraq’s Kurdish officials supported the idea of a unified but federal Iraq, even though public support for independen­ce always haunted official pronouncem­ents to the contrary.

But after a decade of war and Shia attempts to dominate the central government and marginaliz­e the Kurds, the official position slowly changed.

Due to firming public sentiment for independen­ce, Iraq’s Kurds held a referendum on September 25th on whether they should declare independen­ce, despite stern warnings from the central government not to do so.

Unsurprisi­ngly, the referendum passed with overwhelmi­ng support.

This could spell widespread trouble—again—that engulfs Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Iran. The Kurds comprise a minority in all four nations, but the area they inhabit is largely coterminou­s.

Therefore, they have historical­ly yearned for a greater Kurdistan that spans the region.

For that reason, none of the aforementi­oned government­s supported the referendum, fearing it could stir nationalis­t passions among their own Kurdish minorities.

The ruling powers in each country have always vehemently opposed Kurdish secession and independen­ce from their respective countries, and have longstandi­ng vows to violently crush any stirrings towards independen­ce.

Turkey has been fighting its Kurdish population’s efforts for autonomy or independen­ce, led by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, for decades.

Unfortunat­ely for regional tranquilit­y, the referendum has energized Iran’s Kurdish population. Several cities in Iran’s Kurdish region held demonstrat­ions that called for their own independen­ce.

Arrests were made and the central government declared they would quash such rumblings by force if necessary; in their estimation, their Israeli and Saudi enemies would use Iranian or Iraqi Kurdish independen­ce as a cudgel against them, so these movements must be nipped in the bud.

Meanwhile, in April Turkey launched airstrikes against Kurdish forces in Syria and Iraq even though they were allied with the U.S. in its fight against ISIS. Turkey defended their attacks, saying the Syrian and Iraqi Kurds were linked to Turkey’s Kurdish separatist­s.

And recently Turkey moved tanks to the Turkish/Syrian border, threatenin­g to close the border and the pipeline Kurd’s use to export their oil.

Tensions are clearly rising thanks to the Iraqi Kurd’s referendum. Astute diplomacy is needed to calm an already febrile atmosphere.

Otherwise, a war pitting the region’s Kurds against Turkey, Iraq, Syria and Iran would add accelerant to an already hot fire.

 ?? Adam Goldin Columnist ??
Adam Goldin Columnist

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