The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

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So sorry about Thomas Hylton getting voted out. He was the only one on the school board who cared about us poor homeowners. Now they will keep on raising our taxes and more senior citizens will lose their homes because we have no one to stick up for us. How very, very sad for Pottstown.

Does anyone know why the water in Boyertown is so horrible tasting? It’s been like this for years. When are they ever going to make the water taste better?

I’d like to start off first by saying I’m not an Eagles fan but I was watching “Inside the NFL” and they showed before the game at the Eagles stadium Carson Wentz out there with the military shaking the American flag. Great guy. Then they showed a couple other guys that were doing a protest. They should watch some of the news about all this criminal justice system reform. It’s always the same people being arrested.

This is in reply to Get With It. Yes, I agree. Unfortunat­ely some people still smoke. I had to pay $65 to have an ashtray installed in my car. Most smokers would rather not put their cigarettes out from a car or on the sidewalk but people need to realize some of us do still smoke and if ashtrays were provided by offices and public buildings we would use them.

Our politician­s and others that are running for a government job are spending way too much money to get that job. Do they know what it is to be poor?

I couldn’t help but notice how all the gas prices are spiking. I had no idea what the reasoning could possibly be and I finally heard it on the news and they said it was due to the supply and demand for this time of year. I just thought that’s the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. We have more than enough gas and oil in this country that our prices should be down to $2 or less so maybe they should stop lining their pockets and give us a break for a change.

It’s starting to look like our greed has overcome our great nation. With the denial of global warming we will soon lag far behind other countries in replacing fossil fuels with a clean form of energy. Our politician­s have put our health and welfare at great risk for the sake of making money. KM

Treat all of your children and grandchild­ren equally. They know when you don’t, no matter what age they may be.

I find it funny that all the Hollywood weirdos are upset over all the perversion they condone. It’s like the birds coming home to roost.

Congratula­tions to the Owen J. Roberts girls high school field hockey team who is pursuing a state championsh­ip. What a great win the other day, 10 to 1 over Cardinal O’Hara. It shows hard work pays off. What a great job the coaches and the players have done. It is wonderful that these coaches can work so many different girls into the line up and have the same consistent winning approach. Good job and good luck the rest of the way.

Well the scores are out and the schools are failing. If you hire a contractor to build your house and you don’t like his work you fire him and hire somebody else. If the teachers can’t teach get rid of them. Try to get somebody else in there and see how they do. Or better yet let’s just tax the homeowners, give the teachers a raise and everything will be hunky-dory.

Chief Wahoo, you are not denying that Donald Trump tells lies but you’re saying it’s OK because you claim President Obama lied, so on your reservatio­n two wrongs do make a right. DP

A special thank you to the OJR Wildcat band for playing for the football team at the end of the game last week at Downingtow­n. You are a class act. OJR Football Loves The Band

What a tasteless cartoon by Stahler on Wednesday’s opinion page. You should be ashamed. To make a joke of mass shootings is not funny. PB and J

So far there’s three indictment­s and one conviction. Just a matter time before the big kahuna gets up there. Jay Miller

Shout-out to KM. I call your bet that Robert Mueller will make Paul Manafort throw our president under the bus. After nine months into the investigat­ion the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee interviewe­d more than 100 witnesses including Manafort and reviewed 100,000 pages of documents and found no collusion with the Kremlin. You also stated Mueller should continue to chip away at the real truth. What about the real person? Need I mention her name? Martha Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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