The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

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In The Mercury the other day it was such a pleasure to read that article about that family who helped that homeless man to get a place to live. Such a nice gesture to do. That was very, very nice for that family to get together and do that just from meeting him in the parking lot and look what it turned into. They found a home for a homeless man. Such a wonderful newspaper article. Thank you Mercury for printing it.

My wife and I had the “best ever” moment this past weekend at Pottstown Senior High School attending the musical “The Little Mermaid.” There’s not enough space here to describe the “wow” performanc­e that we watched. Definitely a must see and it’s not too late. There’s two more chances on Friday, March 9, at 7 p.m. and then Saturday, March 10, matinee at 2 p.m. So proud to be from Pottstown. Aram and Donna Ecker

I must start my morning with The Mercury but as I was flipping through channels there was this movie called “Dealing With Idiots” and I thought to myself, that describes the Democrats. Let me see, they don’t want anything done with this mental illness and guns, they don’t want peace in the Middle East, they don’t want improved race relations, and the reason they don’t want this stuff is because it’s going to take issues away from them in the next election cycle.

This is for West Pottsgrove. Don’t worry about the code enforcemen­t guy in West Pottsgrove. He can’t do anything because it seems like from the top on down they talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. They know the ordinances but they don’t enforce them. So how is this guy supposed to? Another Long-time Resident And Veteran of West Pottsgrove

Hey 18-Wheeler, you may not make $100,000 and that little extra money you did receive was a one-time deal. Hate to tell you but your president is a scam artist and that one-time deal will not be extended. You’ve been had and you can’t blame the Democrats for not wanting to be a part of that scam. Sorry.

It is so laughable. Every time Trump says something all the news channels go wild and say “Oh my God.” Then every socalled expert analyst says how it’s a good thing or bad thing. Meanwhile Trump sits back laughing and then he turns around and he never does what he says. If people would stop giving him that attention he would stop making everybody run around going “Oh my God.”

I voted for Trump even though I knew he was corrupt and not very bright. I also didn’t

vote for Hillary because I knew she was corrupt. The reason I voted Republican was because I knew that Trump would actually be impeached and Pence, who I do like, would be our next president. Do you think the same way I do? Let Sound Off know. A Senior

Dear Lady Di, thanks for agreeing that Putin is an enemy. If only we could convince our president of that. Lord Liv

When I was in high school I carried a pocketknif­e every day and a shotgun to hunt after school in my truck. There were no shootings back then as we respected the teachers’ authority. The coddled youth of today cannot be discipline­d in school or at home. I’m tired of the bully excuse. Give the school the power to discipline.

Jimmy Kimmel took a swipe at American conservati­ves during the Oscars. He opened with “The whole world is watching except the 90-year-olds sitting home on the couch watching Fox News.” Yeah Jimmy, you forgot to say they were watching the Fox documentar­y called “Scandalous,” all about the Bonnie and Clyde of politics, the Clintons, the people you love and adore. Oscar’s lowest TV rating ever. For The People Patricia, we the people are the NRA.

Donald Trump is against the following, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonab­le searches and seizures. They shall not be violated and no warrant shall be issued but upon probable cause.” That happens to be part of the Fourth Amendment that Trump wants to abolish. Donald Trump wants to run this country like a dictator.

As a homeowner in Pottstown and one of the very few homeowners that we have, I would love to see all the Section 8 rentals out there with their property marked as Section 8. I’d like for our taxpayers to know what they’re paying for and see what the properties look like. I think that would be awesome.

Last week an auto accident closed Industrial Highway for hours. Thank goodness no bikers had to be detoured. BRRN Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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