The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

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Pottstown council, school board, chamber of commerce, community groups, wake up. If the YMCA is allowed to close that will be the biggest blow to this town since Bethlehem Steel closed. How about hearings, an injunction, whatever it takes? Pottstown has half the housing value, three times as many children, three times as many seniors and six times as many minorities as Spring Valley. This is discrimina­tion and neglect by the Philadelph­ia YMCA against Pottstown. Senior Citizen

I’m sorry, but the schools that allow teachers or students to have walk out days to protest against gun violence, that should be against the law. They’re supposed to be in school. Who’s in charge of the school, the superinten­dent or the students? It’s time the schools say no. They are all wanting attention and it’s a shame.

To the person complainin­g about the weather forecast for the previous storm, you need to pay closer attention both to the forecast and what actually happened. The Channel 10 evening forecast for this area was for rain and 3 to 5 inches of heavy wet snow which is precisely what happened here. Some areas got more, others less. One Who Knows

Verily, verily I say unto you our Constituti­on and our Bill of Rights are not worth the paper they are printed on, and you can take that to the bank.

Jim Dandy, according to you everything on the left side is foolish. Going by your take of the Bible I guess that means that’s why God put your heart on the left side of your body.

To Facts Matter, you’re exactly right. The bill will not bring jobs back. It will result in massive layoffs. You’re correct, look at the Harley Davidson plant in Missouri. Eight hundred people gone, factory closing. More to come. Jay Miller

I’m so glad to hear that Mr. Wolf is a rich businessma­n just like our President Trump but no one criticizes him. So if you want to get back in get rid of the school tax, the property tax, help the seniors for once in your life. Since you’re so rich give us your money.

If Pottstown is still thinking about a mural, I think a perfect one would be one that shows the condition of most of the streets in Pottstown. I don’t know where they could put it but it would have to be a record-size mural. Reedy

This is really getting sickening all the news that we are hearing daily on Prince Harry’s fiancée Meghan Markle. There’s more news on her than the first lady of the United States. It’s really getting disgusting.

The portion of your county taxes being paid to Montgomery County Community College is not a new tax. We have been paying this tax since the founding of the college in 1964 in the same way part of our state taxes go to our state colleges and universiti­es. Education is an investment in our town, county, state and nation.

Donald Trump had no plan for health care, no plan for immigratio­n, no plan for ISIS, no economic plan, no plan to make America great again and he was never going to drain the swamp. It turns out that he’s not even a decent negotiator but hey, I hear his golf game is improving.

It’s ironic that Jim Dandy would quote from the Old Testament and use a portion of a verse to refer to the liberals. I wonder if he has read the New Testament especially John 8:7, “So when they continued to ask him he lifted himself and said unto them, he that is without sin among you let him first cast a stone.” Agnostic

To the Lower Pottsgrove caller opposing the constructi­on of the new township building, me along with many other residents agree with you that this building is unnecessar­y. The current one is just fine. These commission­ers we have appointed just love to spend our money on unnecessar­y things. If you can set up a meeting and organize a group I’m willing to meet you halfway and get together and go to the commission­ers and state our disagreeme­nt with this new building.

This is a message for the person in the silver car Wednesday morning who pulled off the illegal move using the left turn lane at the Turkey Hill in Stowe to pass two trucks and proceed straight at Ben Franklin Highway. I got your license plate number. I suspect we’ll meet again and I’m contemplat­ing turning your license plate number into the police. Don’t do it again. You could have caused an accident. I value my life even if you don’t value yours.

Jim Dandy, if the Lord says that the heart of the wise inclines to the right but the heart of the fool to the left, how would he feel about a president who has no heart? Lord Liv

Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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