The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

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Since the Parkland disaster in Florida we have teenagers who want to change the Bill of Rights and exclude the Second Amendment. The thing is these kids haven’t paid a water bill, sewer bill, trash bill, electric bill, the mortgage or rent and they haven’t put food on the table at home. So I would give them zero confidence in their abilities to make righteous laws.

The person who wants The Mercury to stop printing all the remarks about Trump because they’re tired of reading them should remember the eight years that we endured the sly remarks about President Obama. And for the people who compare the interviews of the Villanova basketball team and the high school students that were attacked, remember one had basketball­s thrown at them and the other bullets from an AR-15. DP Fox News was interviewi­ng Scott Pruitt and wanted to know how some of his people got raises as high as $57,000. He said he didn’t know anything about it and couldn’t tell them anything about it. Well guess what? He lied about it. We just found out that he signed off on it and everything else. He’s getting as bad as Trump. They ought to just throw him in the sewer and drain it. Jay Miller

Thanks to President Trump for his corporate tax breaks. My company just gave me over $1 an hour raise which I wasn’t even scheduled for; it was a bonus raise. So that’s 40 bucks extra a week just because of the rate decrease for the corporates. If you add that to my lower federal tax break that brings my total to $90 to $100 extra a week in my check. Once again thank you President Trump and all the Republican­s who voted for it. 18 Wheeler

In Monday’s op-ed, George Will advocated for the enfranchis­ement of convicted felons. I’m sure he would agree that nonviolent felons should also be allowed to own, possess and carry firearms. No Snake Oil

I hear the money has been cut for the chemtrails. I hope it’s true. We need our clear skies back.

This Trump administra­tion has yet to put in place any meaningful legislatio­n, but they have on numerous occasions been caught squanderin­g and plundering taxpayer money for their own personal use to the tune of millions in one year. If Donald Trump’s cabinet is squanderin­g millions you can only imagine how much Trump is ripping us off for. KM

When I think of Donald Trump these days, and I try not to, I recall the line of Shakespear­e’s from Antony and Cleopatra, “Experience, manhood and honor never did so violate itself.” Frattbak

I see Tiger Woods didn’t make the cut at the Masters after Friday. Like I said before, his good days are behind him. Between Mcllroy, Reed, Nicholson, etc., he can’t compete with those guys. He would be better off to count his blessings for what he’s done in the past and call it a career before he really embarrasse­s himself. If he ever wants another green jacket he’s going to have to go to the Men’s Warehouse.

To find out what traitors Obama and Biden are, just read Peter Schweizer’s book “Hidden Empires.” Because of Obama, China has direct access to U.S. funded and developed technology that powers our military satellites, drones and supports our soldiers in the field. Wanxing is a Chinese conglomera­te linked to the Chinese Communist Party. They have given hundreds of thousands to the Democratic National Committee. JC

To the argument over Gold Star Mother’s Day, actually it’s as much a loss to the fathers, husbands, wives and children of our military. Our military should be honored and respected at all times. No parent should have to bury a child. We are losing a generation to this opioid scourge. That’s a battle here on the home front. We should show compassion. All lives matter. God bless America. Lady Di

I saw where the lunch lady Michelle Obama said that her husband was a great president because he got people to eat carrots. I guess she’s looking to get a job on a comedy show now.

I read that Ohio State University revoked Bill Cosby’s honorary degree but I never read any universiti­es returning Bill Cosby’s money that he’s given during the years.

I was wondering about these stupid commercial­s. How long are they going to have that Twizzlers Licorice thing on? Is it because they’re paying people? It might be funny if it was a little kid doing it but it’s so boring.

Make sure you get your mechanic to change the air in your tires soon. Put some air in now for a better ride during the summer heat. I always did it for free for my customers on April 1. Jim Fitch

Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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