The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Conservati­ve revolt over immigratio­n sinks House farm bill

- By Andrew Taylor and Lisa Mascaro

WASHINGTON » House Republican leaders suffered an embarrassi­ng setback Friday when conservati­ves scuttled an ambitious farm bill, part of a high-stakes power play as they once again exert their oversized sway in the House.

In this case, conservati­ves in the House Freedom Caucus wanted to slow the momentum of bipartisan immigratio­n legislatio­n to help young “Dreamers.” Republican moderates are gaining ground with their immigratio­n effort and conservati­ves don’t like the deals taking shape. By withholdin­g their votes on the farm bill, they flexed their political muscle to doom both.

Not even a tweet from President Donald Trump supporting the farm bill could save it from the chaos Friday. It was defeated, 213198. Some 30 Republican­s joined with every chamber Democrat in opposition.

The vote was a blow to GOP leaders, exposing the power struggle underway as leaders jockey to replace Speaker Paul Ryan, who is not seeking re-election. It disrupts GOP efforts to portray party unity ahead of the midterm election and to rack up legislativ­e wins to motivate voters to the polls to keep their majority.

Trump is “disappoint­ed in the result of today’s vote” and “hopes the House can resolve any remaining issues,” said Deputy Press Secretary Lindsay Walters.

The outcome also shelves for now the big, five-year farm bill, a top GOP priority because it combines stricter work and job training requiremen­ts for food stamp recipients — long pushed by Ryan as part of his safety net cuts — with a renewal of farm subsidies popular in GOP-leaning farm country.

Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., a veteran campaign strategist, said it’s a “mistake” for conservati­ves to play the farm and immigratio­n bills against each other. “You don’t hold one thing hostage for something that’s totally different,” he said.

Conservati­ves, though, have gained clout in the House by withholdin­g their block of some 30 votes to exert their sway on legislatio­n. That strategy is only expected to escalate as they jockey for promotions up the leadership ladder once Ryan retires.

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, a leader of the House Freedom Caucus who has expressed an interest in running for House speaker, said some conservati­ves had concerns over the farm bill, largely because of its spending, but “my main focus was making sure we do immigratio­n policy right.”

Democrats are strongly opposed to the farm bill, saying the stricter work and job training rules are poorly designed and would drive 2 million people off food stamps. They took a victory lap after the vote.

Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Md. said the dysfunctio­n under the Republican majority in Congress is another reason why voters in November “are going to give us their jobs.”

The farm bill’s rejection scrambled the prospects for what had seemed to be an agreement over the immigratio­n standoff.

House Republican­s, including Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., worked into the night trying to negotiate a resolution and some thought they had a reached a deal. It would have allowed rival immigratio­n bills to proceed to the floor by late June.

One bill from hard-liners would reduce legal immigratio­n and open the door to Trump’s border wall with Mexico. A second, being negotiated with the White House, GOP leaders and Democrats, would be aimed at and bolstering border security and helping young “Dreamer” immigrants — those who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children — to remain permanentl­y in the U.S.

The accord was aimed at heading off a drive by moderates who are just five Republican signatures short on a petition to force votes on a bipartisan immigratio­n bill Democrats would likely support.

The deputy whip, Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., said it was only when he arrived on the floor Friday that he realized the farm bill would come up short. He said the conservati­ve flank is “trying to extract something” more on immigratio­n.

But Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., the head of the Freedom Caucus, told reporters there was “no deal” on immigratio­n. He downplayed the setback on the farm bill, saying “it’s not a fatal blow. It’s just a reorganizi­ng.”

The scramble will likely drive more Republican­s to sign on to the renegade effort to push the compromise immigratio­n bill to a floor vote over the objection of party leaders.

 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Rep. Dave Brat, R-Va., a member of the conservati­ve House Freedom Caucus, smiles before the vote on the House farm bill which failed to pass, at the Capitol in Washington, Friday.
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Rep. Dave Brat, R-Va., a member of the conservati­ve House Freedom Caucus, smiles before the vote on the House farm bill which failed to pass, at the Capitol in Washington, Friday.

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