The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Read what friends and neighbors are saying

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Take a look at what friends and neighbors have to say about local hot topics and join in on the conversati­on.

First Pottstown Middle School was too empty so the fifth- and sixth-graders were moved to there. Now they’re saying it’s overcrowde­d and want to move the fifth-graders out. Last I checked Edgewood was being used as an alternativ­e school for kids with behavioral issues. If anything, make the middle school for seventh-, eighthand ninth-grade.

Can some rocket scientist tell me why these lights on High Street have to be so long? Along with the bike lanes, give me a break! OK rocket scientists come on out and let us know all the little secrets. A Questionin­g Homeowner

For everyone complainin­g about the new bike lanes in Pottstown, I dare you to show up at the July 9 Pottstown Borough Council meeting or stop complainin­g. Tell councilors and the borough manager that you don’t want the new bike lanes and to get rid of them, or shut up.

To all the horse owners that walk on the Schuylkill Trail in East Vincent, please clean up your horse’s poop. It’s not fair to the rest of us who walk that trail or bike it or use our baby strollers to encounter horse poop. Please pick it up.

My wife was complainin­g all last night that I never listen to her, or something like that. Sarcastic Sam

Hey Congress, act now and censure that crazy woman Congresswo­man Maxine Waters after what she said. She is trying to incite a riot here by going after anybody who works for President Trump or a supporter. I know she had a little press conference the other day saying she really didn’t say that. Well she did, she blamed it on the president because he’s always lying. She’s a liar this time. Do something about people like that who represent us in the U.S. Congress. Al

To the person who commented about the teachers union with Gov. Wolf, you are absolutely right. Those politician­s are contributi­ng a lot to their campaigns and that’s why they get whatever they want. Look what the teachers are turning out too. It’s about time we do something about that. You have to either slow that union down or break it. Disgusted Taxpayer

To the grateful OJR taxpayer, you should work there to see the antics inside the building. I am disgusted that I must pay an outrageous amount for them playing games. Oh don’t get me wrong, they are very profession­al in front of board members. FYI, teachers are doing a phenomenal job. It is a few high-paid administra­tors that are pulling the wool over taxpayers. I guess we should get PASBO involved to train them. Marie L.

I’d like to know if Jay Miller’s comments are for real. Who could be so enthused with people like Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Clinton running a political party the way they’re running it? Who could possibly be in favor of that?

If Harley Davidson does ship some of their stuff overseas to the other countries that is an excuse to boycott them. Buy nothing more from Harley if they do that. They’re a traitor.

Recently the Relay for Life team Seeds of Hope was held in Boyertown. It’s always a great cause and event. My grandson Jacob Moser walked for a total of 24 hours for my wife, his grandmothe­r, that this terrible disease took from us. At 14, wise beyond his years walking a total of 75 miles. I am so proud of this loving dedicated young man. Bill “Pop” Moser

So you’ve shown us the percentage­s of fatal accidents where people are impaired. Can we blame the rest on stupidity?

I saw on the news Tuesday that Judge Brinkley denied Meek Mill’s request for a new trial. I applaud her. What’s the matter with that guy? He should be thankful that he’s still not locked up.

Where are all the animal activists and law enforcemen­t? That assistant trainer for that horse was seen on video punching that horse and yet on TV they just said how he was cleared of all wrongdoing. That’s animal abuse. Where are the charges putting that guy in jail and firing him or does the horse track, etc. think that the horse deserved to be hit like crazy? Let’s see that guy arrested, anybody else would’ve been. Stop the favoritism, it’s on video.

A commenter believes that gasoline could sell for around $1 per gallon. This is highly unlikely. Combined state and federal taxes in Pennsylvan­ia exceed $.75 per gallon. The price of oil is determined by global demand. If price controls were imposed here, companies in a position to move production elsewhere would do so. Those lacking such flexibilit­y would collapse and we would again be at the mercy of OPEC. Mark Furlong

Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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