The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Read what friends and neighbors have to say

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Take a look at what friends and neighbors are saying about local hot topics and join in on the conversati­on.

Since the Pennsylvan­ia lawmakers passed this fireworks law I think maybe someone should light a match under them so they do something about the school tax and property taxes. Pennsylvan­ia Taxpayer

I’m calling about the price of Comcast. How come they can’t put any more movies in instead of all the kids stuff like the Disney channel? There’s nice Disney movies on and then a lot of the channels are all different nationalit­ies and everything and the price keeps going up. I hope somebody looks into it and agrees with me.

Regarding the comment about the trash in the streets at the Pottstown Fourth of July parade, I noticed the same thing on West High Street, Beech Street, Manatawny Street, especially in the storm drains. There’s a lot of trash. Maybe Boyertown has a borough council and maintenanc­e workers who actually oversee and clean up their town.

I went to the new McDonald’s in Boyertown with their new system. They have a kiosk and you sit at the table and they actually bring you the food. I thought it was a very good experience and I thought the people were very pleasant. It’s also much cleaner than the old place and it runs a lot smoother.

Mark Furlong is correct about the tax cuts expiring but only for the poor in 2025. The rich do not have to worry as the Republican­s made them permanent for them. The rich get richer and the poor get poor.

I went to the Patient First off of Route 100 and King Street and they were the greatest. It was a Friday night, I was in and out in less than an hour and I had a prescripti­on and everything. If I had gone to the ER I would have been there at least four hours. Thanks Patient First you’re doing a great job.

On hundreds of cable channels, and on three PCTV channels only, council meetings as filmed by PCTV are worst for audio to watch due to people mumbling and poor recording, and council repeatedly told about this just shrugs it off. Bruce Madara

We’re only two months away from the start of the next NFL season and I can see it already. On opening day Donald Trump will have all the players standing at attention with their hands over their hearts as they all listen to the playing of the Russian national anthem.

I can’t believe you people from Pottstown and the rest of the TriCounty area can’t even give $1 towards the GoFourth! Festival. I don’t even live in Pottstown and I’m not able to attend and I donated. It cost a lot more than $1 for your entertainm­ent on a regular basis. Get with it.

In Douglass (Mont.) supervisor­s are getting out of hand with their decision making. We need a board of taxpayers/residents to monitor the supervisor­s in their decision making. Example, when the supervisor­s want to buy something over $250,000, the five board members would have the taxpayers vote on the issue to approve or disapprove. That’s just one aspect of their duties. Go to Norristown Courthouse to find out how to get this process started ASAP. It can be done. Concerned Taxpayer

I have some bugs on my plants in the backyard. They’re about the size of a tick but they’re black with white spots. I wonder what kind of a bug they are? PH

Please don’t confuse my personalit­y with my attitude. My personalit­y is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are. Jim Fitch

We have another bunch of people calling in about these school taxes and expressing their views. Don’t expect any help from your local legislator because if these representa­tives that we put into office do not sponsor or cosponsor any legislatio­n to change this antiquated school tax system, nothing is going to happen. They are not part of the solution. They are part of the problem. It’s just that simple.

I see Bill Clinton’s book three weeks in a row is on the best seller list. Aren’t those Clintons just raking the money in? Aren’t you people jealous of that? Whine, whine, whine.

Trump’s legal team does not trust him sitting down alone with Mueller but we’re supposed to trust him sitting down alone with Putin. A Concerned Senior Citizen

I compared myself with Donald Trump on who’s the brightest and I won hands down. Night Light

The powers that be decided not to release the grand jury report on sex abuse in the clergy. Agnostic feels he has the right to know and wants transparen­cy. I suggest he take his concerns to God Almighty.

Does anyone know where you can get tickets to see the Cirque du Soleil in Oaks under the big tent besides the internet?

Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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