The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Read what friends and neighbors have to say


Take a look at what friends and neighbors are saying about local hot topics and join in on the conversati­on.

This goes out to A Responsibl­e Citizen. Could you tell me what veteran political analyst Bill Schneider’s party is? Which way does he vote? Maybe that could be part of your reasoning there or just downright one-sided. I mean what’s he going to do for the Republican side if he’s voting Democrat or if he’s a Democratic person? Explain that one.

Whenever my name is finally called in the doctor’s office I like to jump up and down waving my arms and cheering just like I was picked on the “Price Is Right.” Jim Fitch

In response to filing your federal and state income tax, I’m in the same boat. I’ve been waiting since May. Call 717-787-8201. Stay on the line and someone will answer. It may take 20 minutes or so but they should be able to help you. You can also try 1-888-7282937, it’s an answering machine. Follow their instructio­ns. Good luck.

To the person in Friday’s Sound Off who said about where our tax money goes and the other person who said the whole world would celebrate when Trump leaves office, I would not celebrate. I’m not a Trump fan but he’s the man we have to look up to right or wrong. No one is perfect. If anyone else would be in office and do the same as him then I bet it would be a different story. It’s all about the name “Trump.” Is this really the American way to complain all the time?

Abolishing ICE would allow dangerous criminal aliens including violent members of MS-13 to remain in American communitie­s to inflict terrible harm on innocent men, women and children in the U.S. Only Democrats would call for anything that ridiculous. Keep America Free

I’d like to take a moment to thank the volunteers for cutting the grass at Edgewood Cemetery. I really thought the Hill School would take it over since they’re the ones with all the cash and they could afford to do that. Thank you volunteers.

This is to Truth Be Told. You say how are the Democrats ever going to win? I’ll make it short and sweet for you. The man’s name is called Robert Mueller — 22 indictment­s, five guilty pleas, two already went to jail. Truth be told.

Sen. Bob Casey says it’s time to drain the Washington swamp. I think they should start with him because he has done absolutely nothing for Pennsylvan­ia or in Washington. The only thing he does is vote no most of the time. Get rid of him and get someone in that will do some good.

To the person who responded to my comment that the whole world will be celebratin­g when Trump is gone, you got it wrong. I did not call him Mr. Trump and the reasons that they would be celebratin­g are too numerous to mention here.

Jim Fitch, I’m glad to see you’re swinging back — Eeyore, Disney donkey. I love it.

I just followed a bicycle westbound on the Industrial Highway in the traffic lane. The bike lane was there but it was not being used. This is just another fine example of our taxpayer dollars being wasted on the bike lanes.

I am amazed at the arrogant attitudes of these corrupt FBI leaders. Only remorse is for being caught, not their actions. Corruption at such high levels didn’t just start. How far back has this abuse of power been going on? To suggest Strzok deserves a Purple Heart is a slap in the face to the true heroes. Disgusting. Lady Di

Please people do not pity Trump. He is a very bad person.

It was the practice of the news media in the United States for many years that when a president regardless of party was out of the country they ran no negative stories on him till he returned. On July 11 CBS ran three negative stories in 20 minutes on their network but President Trump was able to have a very dignified press meeting with the press overseas, one that he can’t hardly get here. You all think about it.

It’s been said that the power to tax is the power to destroy and that could very well be the case in the Pottstown School District. Congratula­tions to the Pottstown School District for trying to ruin the school district and the town.

Hey Night Light, I see where you say that you were speaking for Jesus. You said that Jesus shakes his head no. When did Jesus give you the power and the right to say what he thinks? He’s going to ask you that question someday.

My wife and I went to Pottstown’s Manatawny Green Mini Golf Course on Friday evening and was pleasantly surprised. Good food, nice, clean little course, great ice cream. Was pleasantly surprised.

Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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