The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Omarosa vs. Trump goes to dogs

- Christine Flowers Columnist

When Samantha Bee called Ivanka Trump a word that cannot be reproduced in this paper, but that sounds like Bundt (as in cake,) I didn’t get angry at the poor thing. It’s enough that she’s exiled to basic cable, a rather late-night blip on the average viewer’s radar screen.

I was, however, angry at the socalled “evolved” feminist women who cheered her attack on the president’s daughter.

Everywhere I looked in social media land, and even farther afield, there were women repeating, retweeting, and regurgitat­ing with hormonal glee the fact that a second rate comedian had called the president’s daughter a part of the female anatomy. It was infuriatin­g to see that the same women who attacked me for being sexist and mean-spirited in wanting to prevent babies from being aborted were more than happy to see another woman eviscerate a sweet and gentle multi-millionair­e who couldn’t keep her daddy from deporting little children.

Really, we are getting so demanding these days.

Anyway, I remember all the ladies who excused Samantha Bee by saying that Ivanka deserved whatever she got because she carried Donald DNA.

They had absolutely nothing else to justify their hatred for the woman who has conducted herself with class and humility during a difficult year.

So I found it particular­ly offensive (when I wasn’t finding it particular­ly hilarious) that these same women became apoplectic when the president called another woman a “dog.”

In the first place, the object of that epithet was a person who, on her best day, was vile, manipulati­ve, duplicitou­s and a dead ringer for Ursula from “The Little Mermaid.”

And then we have the fact that this woman was generally despised by everyone who had crossed her path, including most African Americans who loved her a little less than the Continenta­l Army loved Benedict Arnold.

Yes, I am of course talking about Omarosa ManigaultN­ewman, a former reality starturned-White House employeetu­rned-turncoat.

When Donald Trump hired his longtime friend and soulmate in the world of backstabbi­ng, I thought that it was a particular­ly stupid move. You generally weed the snakes out of your garden, you don’t put them on your payroll.

So when it was revealed that the “lady” had tapes, and that she was going to sell them to the highest bidder, and that her post-White House memoir included allegation­s that Trump had used the “N” word and that he was a dangerous man, and that he left toe nail clippings all over the Oval Office (OK, I made that part up), the president did what he normally does and found a sweet nickname for his newest nemesis. He called her a lowlife, and a dog.

All of a sudden, the women (and men) who were thrilled that Samantha Bee called Ivanka the “c” word and who thought that reality star Omarosa was the human equivalent of anthrax became outraged that someone would call her … a dog.

These people, who hated Omarosa and called her a traitor to the race, were clutching their pearls and practicall­y choking with righteous indignatio­n that the president would call Omarosa by her biological name.

Black female legislator­s went on CNN and screamed about how this was a racist thing to do. Black male anchors went on CNN and disingenuo­usly pretended that this attack on Omarosa was another example of Trump’s white supremacis­t tendencies.

And the feminists suddenly discovered an abiding affection for the lady who once said, “Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump.

It’s everyone who’s ever doubted Donald, who ever disagreed, who ever challenged him. It is the ultimate revenge to become the most powerful man in the universe.”

The joke is on them, actually. Calling Omarosa a “dog” is neither racist nor sexist. It is also not accurate since dogs tend to be loyal and don’t pee on the hand that feeds them. Calling Omarosa a “dog” is infinitely less offensive than calling Ivanka ... because in Ivanka’s case, she didn’t deserve it.

Omarosa, however, is everything she was cracked up to be. Cracked up.

And ultimately, the only thing Donald Trump needs to apologize for is letting her in our House to begin with.

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