The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

A ‘Maverick’ who will be deeply missed


As we mourn this senator, presidenti­al candidate and more, we remember how special John McCain was.

He was known as ‘Maverick.’ And we could use a lot more like him.

It’s hard to consider something other than the five years John McCain spent as a prisoner of war in the infamous ‘Hanoi Hilton’ in North Vietnam as the defining moment of his life.

But it was another moment that strikes us as quintessen­tial McCain.

As we mourn this fighter pilot, statesman, congressma­n, senator and presidenti­al candidate who lost his battle with brain cancer over the weekend, moments remind of just how special John McCain was.

Back in 2008, at the height of the presidenti­al campaign, McCain, the Republican standard bearer eight years after losing a bitter contest with George W. Bush, was locked in another contentiou­s battle. The perennial soldier this time was going head to head with a brash, upstart senator from Illinois, Democrat Barack Obama.

McCain was doing a town hall rally in the little town of Lakeville, Minn. A woman approached the microphone and indicated she couldn’t trust Obama because “he’s an Arab.”

McCain never hesitated. He took the microphone and quickly corrected her, offering this exceptiona­l response.

“No, Ma’am.He’s a decent family man and citizen that I just happen to have disagreeme­nts with on fundamenta­l issues, and that’s what the campaign’s all about. He’s not (an Arab).”

It is that sense of self-confidence, that devotion to following his own moral compass, that underwrite­s McCain’s exceptiona­l lifetime of public service.

McCain remained undaunted after his political defeats, a steely resolve forged during years of torture as a prisoner of war.

He spoke – and voted – his mind and was not afraid to confront his own party when he felt the call to do so.

It’s a lesson President Donald Trump would learn a few years later, when McCain cast the deciding vote against the GOP push to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Ironically, McCain in effect became the savior of the hallmark legislatio­n of the man who defeated him in his bid for the White House.

Trump’s derision was not limited to Obama, or even Democrats. He routinely bullied and belittled other Republican candidates. Of McCain’s unquestion­ed status as a war hero, he offered this reply, dripping with arrogance and disdain.

“He’s a hero because he got captured,” Trump said. “I like people who weren’t captured.”

Ever magnanimou­s, McCain sought to calm the waters of outrage among veterans who took great offense to the snide remark, urging them to “put it behind us and move forward.”

McCain’s final legislativ­e victory came, most fittingly, as the last push in a lifetime devotion to helping the nation’s defense and his fellow veterans. On Aug. 13, President Trump signed into law the $716 billion John S. McCain National Defense Authorizat­ion Act at a military base in New York, in the process failing to make a single mention of McCain’s name.

McCain came from a family of Naval heroes, his father and grandfathe­r were four-star admirals.

He was on his 23rd bombing mission over North Vietnam in October 1967 when he was shot down and taken prisoner.

When his North Vietnamese captors offered him his freedom as part of a propaganda ploy, McCain insisted that those captured before him be released first.

In his waning days after his diagnosis with glioblasto­ma, McCain’s voice continued to resound through the Capitol, chiding his colleagues for their insistence on allowing the overheated, partisan rhetoric to supercharg­e the gridlock that has now become the nameplate of Washington.

“We’re not getting anything done,” McCain said.

From his time as a POW, to his distinguis­hed service as both a congressma­n and U.S. senator, to presidenti­al candidate, that is a descriptio­n that could never be affixed to the Arizona Republican.

His death leaves a massive void in American politics and a memory when the good of the country rather than blind devotion to party and ideology was the key factor in our noble experiment in democracy.

The nation will deeply miss this maverick.

We hope for more to rise up and take his place so that pettiness, bickering and gridlock don’t sully the memory of John McCain, American hero.

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